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501st Legion Member
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About Jane

  • Birthday October 12

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    SCFC loving, Metallica worshipping, Rock Music listening, , Woolly Mammoth obsessing, LOTR geek, Muggle,Graphic Designer.

501st Information

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  • 501st Garrison
    UK Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Well, it's not my scout (husbands) but I am planning some subtle weathering to it. Sadly he wont go along with my idea of a dragonfly flattened to his visor though
  2. Boogie's Missus here (currently building myself a Stormtrooper but I'm the one that gets the art jobs on the builds). Paint is satin black, same as the ESB vocoder. I think he's taken the photo when the paint is still very very wet and under a light so it looks more gloss than satin... Wasn't happy with the snout so about to repaint, I've remodelled his eyes a bit to get a more level finish and painted the inside of the helmet black (this is what happens when he leaves me to go to the football, I have to fiddle). Looking a lot better now, hoping to get the ears cut out tomorrow.
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