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About motorbiker

  • Birthday 07/11/1975

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    German Garrison
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  1. Got mine today. There are no scratches in the visor and the snout is well painted.... The rest of the helmet is accurate in my opinion. I'm happy with it and will not return.
  2. My TK is from them as well. They delivered on the next day after paying. The scout bucket is for completing my next costume..... Now I'm waiting for finalizing a very long time, but there is some hope. Maybe have the bucket just in time with ep.VIII
  3. Hi Matt, ordered (and paid) end of 2014. maybe they're rolling the dice about the Replica Prop Serial Number.... Don't belive, they're producing enough items in this short time from my number 115812 to yours 1151070
  4. Last year in september they wrote me: Replica Prop serial number:115812 Helemt Issue Number:25 Firstly, sorry for the continued delay with your Biker Scout helmet. We have been working steadily on the project and have the first wave near completion. I can confirm you are in the first wave. We foresee the shipping date being around the 12th of this month. We will advise as we move closer to shipping these helmets and confirm the weathering requirements and preview images for approval of your helmet. Thank you for your continuing. We will see, what happens next..... and when!
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