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Bryanmc last won the day on February 15 2015

Bryanmc had the most liked content!


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About Bryanmc

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  1. Great pic, helps a newbie like me out a ton!
  2. I've been very pleased with the fans I use in my Vader bucket. They are not too loud but keep good air flow. I've never had a problem with lenses fogging, which is something a lot of Vaders seem to struggle with. Darth HeZor from the Sith Detachment board sells them. I only have a link to the store on the SD site so it's not much help here, but he takes PMs so if you're interested in learning more it might be worth registering and contacting him. I plan to get another set from him for my TB build.
  3. Thanks for this detailed WIP. I think I'm committed to making a TB my next costume and it's great to follow another Vader into the forest.
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