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501st Pathfinder
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About Vertex

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  • 501st Garrison
    Old Line Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ
    Shoretrooper: Squad Leader

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  1. thanks, the sticker and date threw me off
  2. Suspect it may be a Don Post since its copyrighted 1997. Any help in determining the source appreciated. IMG_0323 by Vertex 501st, on Flickr
  3. Thanks for the info guys. I opted to go with an Altmann.
  4. Thanks for the link Chef. I actually had a chance to look at it earlier so it did help a bit. Unfortunately as you have already stated its still has some gaps. How does the Altmann compare in size to the CS or KS? Still looking through the threads but haven't found the information yet.
  5. Granted that similar to shoes, fitted hats do seem to have some variation on size. I've had 7 1/2's that fit right and others that fit a little on the tight side. I agree with you in that having a reference based on hat sizes would be awesome. It seems like a pretty simple concept but I have no idea if it would be realistic. Thanks for the info on the SC though. I have been considering an SC lid but may run into the same size issue as you. Depending on the source I wear either a 7 1/2 or 5/8 hat.
  6. Sorry to hijack but this issue is of great interest to me.. SC states there bucket is "iffy" for XL heads - Whats considered a XL head? Someone who wears hat sizes larger than say 7 1/2?
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