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About Mutter

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    New York

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  • 501st Garrison
    Empire City Garrison
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  1. This was my second time reading this thread. Incredible! I started working on my soft parts last night and I'm ordering the armor this weekend. I'm sure I'll be reading it a few more times. Thank you!
  2. I love the look of the Altmann's, it's an incredible helmet. I need to justify the cost at the moment. Most likely, I'll give in and go for it but may have to wait a little first.
  3. I'm in the same situation with a big head (24"). I was originally going to go with a KS but I'm a little apprehensive reading about their quality and customer service. Looks like Altmanns is the way to go.
  4. This is an awesome tutorial! Thank you!
  5. I just started doing my research as well. It's good to know there's a helmet for us guys with larger sized brains
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