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FIVE last won the day on April 20 2019

FIVE had the most liked content!


64 Excellent

About FIVE

  • Birthday 06/04/1972

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    Albuquerque, NM

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  • 501st Garrison
    Dewback Ridge
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  1. GREAT to be aboard! Honored indeed!
  2. STRAPPING A bunch of people have asked me about the strapping and how I did it. Here's a video detailing that.
  3. A lot of people ask me about the belt too. It came with Denis' kit. But what I've heard is you can find something for it on your own at home supply stores. It's a rubber material like is used for the edges of floors agains the walls. (So I understand.) It's 3.25 inches wide. Here's a video showing it.
  4. Here's the shirt... And here are the pants...
  5. I literally hot glued them to the top front of the boot when it was all said and done to keep them "up." I don't have a video or picture of that... but other than that they just sit. And you may not need to glue them at all. Here's a video showing some other aspects of the boots... in case you hadn't seen it. Thanks! People love him! More people than you'd think know who I am. Usually if they ask and I say, "I'm a patrol trooper from the Solo movie." They respond with, "Oh yeah! That was a great movie!" And the people that don't get it like that probably can't tell the difference between people they "recognize" and someone new anyway. 😂
  6. The rubber he sent with the kit is all that I used.
  7. Mine won't fit in my smaller bin. It's because I can't stack it like I did TK armor — I had that stuff shoved inside itself so small it was like an onion. So so far I've just kept it in the trunk. But the nice thing is I only have to put on the ab/kidney plate, chest/back, gloves and helmet when I get there. I drive in my pants, boots, and top. When I find a bin that works I will post it here too. It needs to be more "square" than long.
  8. You're very welcome, man! Here's some more info... After my troop last weekend I felt like my cod piece was too low... but I liked how many "ridges" were showing from the bottom of my chest plate since I lowered my suspenders and ab and back. Then I looked at the SOLO book and noticed that space between the "notch" on the side triangle and top of the belt was much smaller than mine. Also that the "indentation" on the front was showing a LOT less than mine... see here... So... I unglued my belt and moved it all UP some. That also raised my cod piece into the right position! YAY!
  9. Oh yes. More than enough.
  10. Just plain matte white. I just bought mine at Lowe's.
  11. For the toes? I actually used PlastiDip spray. That way it can peal off if you want it to — sort of — but it stays on good for trooping.
  12. APPROVED!!!!!
  13. Patrol Trooper finished! Photos submitted for approval!
  14. People asking how I am weathering my armor so I made a quick video. I'm a "do it the easiest way that works" kind of guy and after assembling 18 sets of armor - owning seven sets myself and weathering many a sandtrooper; not to mention other costumes and props - this is that way.
  15. Finally made a lot of progress. I should be finished by Monday or early in the week and will submit photos then!
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