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501st Pathfinder
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About Teiwaz

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    Redback Garrison
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  1. The top ones are what I have for my scout boots, but I reckon the bottom one would be easier to paint.
  2. Sac's Kmart and Target options for discussion.
  3. Be cautious with SC. My helmet was a bad pull, and I didn't know any better at the time. You can see the leading edges are different lengths. Makes the helmet very hard to close properly. SC agreed to replace it, but then stopped responding to emails. Multiple emails later and 2 months later, I doubt I'll hear from them again. I can't say if the other suppliers are better or worse, but whoever you buy from make sure you have someone who knows the gear to inspect it straight away and identify any faults.
  4. Hot glue, just because it was easy to work with. Shaved it back and painted it black by spraying onto a cotton bud. More experienced builders will probably have a better idea but it worked for me.
  5. I had the same issue with my tank topper. Its a bit of a mystery why that off centre hole is there. I filled it in and painted it over.
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