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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Kato

  1. Hi. So I was considering a KS helmet but after reading some replies sounds like their bucket is not as good. Anyway what do you guys recommend for a guy with a 7 1/2 hat size. For reference I've got an Army ranger, boonie hat, that I ordered from US Cavalry a few years back. The 7 1/2 size gives some wiggle room even when I haven't had my haircut in a while. Also I guess I have a normal to small size head, I get about 9 1/2 inches when trying to measure the height of my head from chin to top of my noggin. I'm thinking of an SC bucket now. How deep are the SC buckets? Any advice?
  2. Hey it's Tony. I'm Still waiting to hear back from Chunk about what he needs for measurements on a flightsuit. I also got to talking with someone on Facebook and she's got a Biker Scout set already. Anyway she gave me the link to the site of where she got her flight suit. It's :http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=261517393337&globalID=EBAY-US Just wondering if with some mods to the suit such as taking off pockets and seams if this would be 501st approved. Also what are other folks using for the butt flap, I've heard Suede. Are there any other spots for the suede? Thanks for any info.
  3. Hi. So now I've heard Chunk is a good person to contact for the flightsuit/undersuit. What measurements do you need and should I buy one close to my size and send it Chunk's way? Thanks for any info and help. Tony
  4. Hi. I am still looking for a suit type. Sounds like most everyone favors Redkap. Also I was told that Cucblack does custom suits. What measurements does CB need and what's the timeframe for the order? Thanks for the help.
  5. Kato


    Hi. I'm also interested in having a vest made. What measurements are needed? I'm a L in most t shirt sizes if that helps. Thanks.
  6. Hi. Looking to get started on my build. Probably gonna go with an SC armor kit. Anyway for a blaster would this one on ebay be acceptable: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-Episode-VI-Return-of-the-Jedi-Biker-Scout-Blaster-Replica-/331419367727?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d2a22392f Sorry the link is so long. I also saw a link for a flightsuit with the butt flap already sewn in and correct. Would that be a good purchase to make? Thanks for any advice.
  7. Hi. I'm Tony. I'm up here in Yakima WA. I was wondering on the costume kit from SC. Sounds like it's a good kit to get all the armor parts for and that other members have ordered from them. SC also says they can make the cumberbund. Did any members take SC up on their offer? Also saw a cumberbund on ebay? Is that another route. Also is the vest that appears under the chest armor now required? I also know of a company called US Cavalry that sells flight suits but don't know if these would meet 501st standards? Thanks for answers ahead of time.
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