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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by ForceTrooper

  1. ForceTrooper/CB14575/UKGarrison/2015 Great times this year Trooping as part of The 41st Elite Proud to be a Kashyyk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Cheers Junglie Scout Here's a couple pics from my first Kashyyk Troop alongside my Kahyyk brother Roman
  3. Just received my email I'm now officially 501st approved 😄😄😄
  4. Cleared With RL í ½í¸‡í ½í¸„í ½í¸„
  5. Submission in Fingers Crossed
  6. Cheers Grumpy lol Hope to be a member of the ELITE 41st very soon
  7. Cheers buddy, Difficult to weather the gloves, I've weathered the grey details but struggling with the vrown sections Appreciate the feedback
  8. I'm nearly there............ What do you think?
  9. Boot mods done and boot armour attached
  10. I'm using a stencil that I made myself, roughly based on the British dpm
  11. Bicep Greebs attached, light weathering applied
  12. Cheers buddy I'm hoping I'm only a week away from finishing Had a good few productive days so nearly there
  13. Sorry for the late reply dude, yes I've now attached mesh behind the ears, poppers on cummerbund is now attached to braces to keep the whole thing secure under chest and back armour 😊 Quick selfie now I've painted chest
  14. I've finally finished my pouches And my cod I attached belt with snaps then used black silicone sheet 2mm thick and cut into squares to fill in black section of belt. And finished my lid
  15. Cheers guys It's still a long way to go but love this costume and loving the build
  16. Added Camo to my lid
  17. So following my good friend Romans inspiration I decided to put together a Kashyyk Trooper. I love this costume I bought my armour from bikerchic and it is amazing. Love that it comes with bucket, Greebs, straps etc, the most fantastic kit. Bought my British dpms and did mods before dyeing Started my ammo pouches using fabric from the US and foam bricks Bought these boots ready for modding with dremel Small armour primed and base coat applied You can see the colour better here next to white armour And applied some green cammo And some bucket progress Gonna be a long road yet but so excited by this build Gonna need lots of help See you all soon brothers
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