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501st Pathfinder
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About tidalforce

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    Parker, CO

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  • 501st Garrison
    Mountain Garrison
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  1. Thanks everyone for your help. I spoke with Jeff from SC and his reputation for excellent customer service is well founded. Also excited to try Chopper's trick using the boot blouser.
  2. I think the washers will help when I replace it. Also, I like the internal strap you have on your boots. Guessing that also might help alleviate the stress by keeping the vinyl upright. Can I ask how you did that Chopper?
  3. Confirmed that the holster is from SC. I did not mount it myself as I had the boots commissioned and just supplied the holster. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  4. I've been on less than 10 troops (most of them were just standing around for pictures) and my holster has cracked at the points where all 4 rivets attach it to the boot. Is this common? Were the rivets tightened too much? The holster was ABS (SC I believe). Thanks, JC
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  6. My armor got pretty scuffed up at my last troop (St. Patrick's Day parade) and while I'm not opposed to a few dings and scrapes, there were a bunch of mandolorians with their colorful armor, so now I've got a lot of pink/purple/red paint marks on my kit. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to clean this stuff up. I haven't tried anything yet as I'm not well versed on what to do/not do with ABS (I have SC armor). Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeff
  7. http://www.theclip.com/store/metal-belt-clip-661-tempered-belt-clip.html (credit to BikerScout007)
  8. Wow, you definitely have a great eye for detail. I'll mark the inside of the upper arms so I don't make that mistake again. Great tip on sanding down the edges (they've definitely caught on stuff already). The pouches should be good (Velcrod to the inside of the chest armor) . I think the threads are just loose left overs that I can clean up.
  9. Other than dropping the thigh boxes, anything else that will keep me from getting approved?
  10. I think my main issue is with the thigh boxes. How far should they sit below the belt? Also I'm struggling with how to connect them to the back of the belt (I sourced most of this out as I don't have access to a sewing machine). Does it matter where it connects to the belt (assuming anywhere as long as the thermal det covers it up)? Any suggestions for this would be appreciated. Thanks, JC https://imageshack.com/i/poxXQzOgj https://imageshack.com/i/poSxIyulj https://imageshack.com/i/poD5i1Cyj https://imageshack.com/i/pnvY7AQKj https://imageshack.com/i/pnmIsWUNj https://imageshack.com/i/pnFSFmRXj
  11. I had these boots made a while back (about 8 months) and haven't had time to work on my build, so they sat in the closet the whole time. When I got them out today they had this pink stain along the edges and on the threads. Any idea as to what this is and how to fix it? Clorox pen? Is this something I should bring up with the vendor or is this common? Thanks JC
  12. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions as to what to use instead of rivets. Hoping to find something that is a bolt/nut setup but the head looks similar to a rivet. I guess I'm a little concerned about the permanency of a rivet (and possibly cracking the armor) and would rather have something easy to take apart in case I need to repair something (belt frays, remove tank for packing purposes, etc.). Perhaps I am overthinking this and should just use rivets. Thanks.
  13. I'm looking to commission a flight suit and vest (I have zero sewing skills). I've heard that Chunk provides a good product, but it seems like his is MIA at the moment. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
  14. Thanks for all the great advice. I plan on placing my orders in the next week or so. Can't wait to start the build. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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