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501st Pathfinder
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THUNDERCAT last won the day on April 26 2020

THUNDERCAT had the most liked content!


77 Excellent



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  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • Location
    Melbourne, Victoria

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  1. Thanks @Jakeputt and @ferra for your feedback 🙂 I got some good quality screen grabs I'll add to the helmet reduce the khaki. The helmet does not have mesh in the ear holes just yet, I'll be adding them shortly. The helmet yes it is a 3d print, a member in our garrison designed the helmet from scratch utilising details from the screen pics from the movie.
  2. Kashyyyk Helmet Completed @Jakeputt @ferra thoughts guys? 🙂
  3. Hey it's been a while been working on other projects but back on the kashyyyk should have the armour paint soon, hey with the rubber peices of the kit what glue is the best e6000 ?
  4. Dyed the under suit Will this pass for approval the colors a slightly off ? they have been both dyed together. @Jakeputt @ferra
  5. Cummerbund and Belt Update
  6. Armorers Please advice on my cummerbund please 🙂 opinions thanks need to know if I am on the write track
  7. Test shoulder bell camo paint
  8. going to be going these colors original the Humbrol was out of stock couldn't find it anywhere until now lol,
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