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501st Legion (RET)
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About zhongvador

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  1. Marcel, As a boots maker your opinion can not be objective. Why should you let another competitor get in the bussiness?
  2. If I follow the CRL and costume standards in BSN what are the none accurate issues? BOOTS White or lightly weathered. The soles of the boot should be tan while the rest of the boot should be white. There is a dog bone shaped strap that covers the bridge of the foot. The boots are secured up the back using 25mm (1") white velcro closure. The calf should come up just slightly underneath the bottom of the knee armor. It seems that the boots fulfil the CRL 100%. Beside the sole, what else is not accurate?
  3. Hi Joe, This is a sharp review of my product. Well, the fabrication process is semi-industrial and it cannot be 100% similar to the original boots as the original boots are made of several parts and technics. As Joe says, they are custome made, no mass production. I also do other type of boots including fine gloves for the Empire. However, based on your comments I shall try to improve their shape. Regarding the sole, I have to order a minimum of 200 pairs to get a custom made sole. If we can get 200 people for a run it can be done! You look great! Best François
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