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stasz last won the day on September 13 2017

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About stasz

  • Birthday 03/15/1979


  • Member Title
    Biker Scout

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    10+ TB
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    Star Wars
    Detroit Tigers Baseball

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  • 501st Garrison
    Great Lakes Garrison
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  1. I have a 10 watt Aker speaker (which includes a headworn mic). I got a different headworn mic from Radio Shack because it was more comfortable than the included wire headband, but that does work fine. I just ran the speaker wire under my flak vest and into the pouch where I kept my speaker. I use the same setup today for my TIE Pilot. Some folks use wireless mics, use gadgets that make the static burst like TKs have, but I've found the amplified voice and slight natural distortion of the speaker wows folks plenty 🙂 https://www.ebay.com/itm/10W-Aker-MR1506-Portable-Loud-Voice-Booster-Amplifier-AMP-Speaker-for-Coachers-/353659337303?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  2. Hi Scott, Another Michigan Scout here. I second 007. I never thought I could do something like this until I dug in, leaned hard on this great resource at bs.n., and picked the brains of other troopers. If you're on Facebook, search for Great Lakes Garrison MI.S.T. That is our Advance Recon Team (Michigan Scout collective). I'll add ya. Good luck and don't hesitate to holler with any questions!
  3. If you can throw up a picture of how it's coming apart, we might be able to make some suggestions on salvaging it
  4. Hey River, It sounds like your talking about the boot holster? If so, yes. The holster is required even though the blaster itself is optional. A few makers I know of off the top of my head that offer parts ala carte are SC and WTF.
  5. I will say: the first time I went to an MLB Star Wars Night, the first character I saw was a Shadow Scout. Not being well versed in the EU, I called him a Black Biker Scout. It was awesome. To the best of my knowledge the build in and of itself is the same. The strapping, trimming, cutting of the armor, etc. You could absolutely build approvable black armor from bsn info. But to be 110% certain, I would head over to the spec ops forum.
  6. The T-Strap thing is a loaner from how Stormtrooper shoulder bells are attached. It's since been confirmed that scouts used zip ties and a zip tie anchor glued into the shoulder bell, though that method is not required for approval. Here's a couple different ways I've seen the t strap done while accommodating the white shoulder bridge cover: This is mine. Simply leave a gap under your bridge cover, and attach the t strap Velcro further into the chest and back armor This is one I always thought was cool. All in one! I'm sure there are some other ways floating around in build threads. And for more info on the zip tie, check out Bikerscout007's Strider build thread.
  7. Reach out to Spike here o the boards.
  8. I'm thinking you mean "Biker Scout" If so, you're in the right place. Have a good look around. Read a LOT of build threads. This was my first costume, and while it can be intimidating and overwhelming, it's infinitely doable. You've got a great resource here in the Detachment. Ask lots of questions, avoid expensive mistakes. We're here to help! Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
  9. I have the same HITG resin blaster, and used rustoleum metallic aluminum paint + primer and then went over that with satin black.
  10. I was thinking the same thing, Kevin. Or maybe a kid's detonator that wouldn't overlap the belt so much? The problem is going to be either of those parts looking undersized relative to the rest of the armor. I don't think you'd be able to cut off the last boxes on either side though. Have you tried it all on? The detonator tube might overhang the plastic belt ends enough to make it work. Or maybe trim down the det tube and the box a little?
  11. One of the great things about the scout is how versatile/modular the armor is. The same kit can work for people with a wide variety of body types. Whereas with a classic TK the girth of your limbs or the length of your thigh, shin, etc may necessitate a particular maker who's stuff is "bigger", the stripped down armor of the scout offers more flexibility since it can be positioned on the wearer more easily for the right look. To me, height is less of a consideration with the scout than "round-ness" for lack of a better term. Some armor lends itself to bigger troopers better than others. I'm 6' with SC armor and a KS lid. I have a friend who's barely over 5' with the same armor. Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
  12. Here's a good spot to start researching and check out the pros, cons, and differences of different makers: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=17774
  13. Just curious, is the preference now to use those measurements or still go for proportionality?
  14. I used the wrap around method WW recommends, and went with an XL. I later picked up a pair of L. They are both comfortable and I switch between them, wearing the L in winter, as they are more snug and warmer. Otherwise, I prefer the XL for my fit. They are longer too, so it helps with keeping the forearm armor out of the gloves. I don't know if this helps much, but here's a picture measuring across the palm of an XL. (I wear an L in TruFit leather work gloves). Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
  15. A couple things: The 501st doesn't "make" anything costume-wise, and any maker can claim whatever they want regarding the quality or "spec" of their products. This is NOT a guarantee of your costume being approved for ANY level of clearance. That is a result of -yes, the quality and accuracy of the components - as well as the overall fit and finish of the costume. NOTHING is 501st Approved, and NOTHING is guaranteed to get you higher tier approvals based on the parts alone. If these were highly recommended makers on this forum and there is an issue, I think you should reach out to them to discuss it. To that point, from that picture I don't see anything on those boots that isn't Lancer spec. There are smudges and I wouldn't be happy about that, but could it be from packing material or the black print in the shipping box rubbed into the vinyl? I can't tell anything of the fit of the vest, but see no issue with the batting inside the sleeves. I sandwiched my batting between black material, but if it's not visible it doesn't really matter. If the other details are correct (Velcro size, sleeve length, etc) then yes, it's likely built to Lancer Spec, meaning it has the required details, not that it will get you Lancer. Every detachment tries their best to vet makers, and have a stable of trusted sources available to the community, both existing and prospective troopers. Good people have bad days, and bad people slip through. That is where people need to research, research, research. I spent more time reading these boards than I did actually putting together my costume. I say all this as general information, NOT as an attack on you. Please don't read it that way. I understand you're unhappy with some purchases, but that's really between you and the vendor to work out. It wouldn't hurt to PM someone from command and let them know who you dealt with and how the resolution was handled. It's not the detachment or the Legion's place to get involved in issues between makers and buyers, but communicating an issue can set a record to a pattern, and if there is a pattern of poor service a maker might not come highly recommended any longer... And lastly, always PayPal Goods & Services. It protects both the seller and the buyer. Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
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