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501st Pathfinder
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Cray last won the day on April 1 2015

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56 Excellent

About Cray

  • Birthday 09/16/1980

Profile Information

  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    World of Tanks, Game of Thrones, comics, photography, Photoshop, hiking and a touch of cycling.

501st Information

  • Name
    Carl Ray
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Garrison Tyrannus
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Yes! They were also used a bit in the Chewbacca limited series that Marvel ran recently.
  2. Welcome to the ranks of the BSN and GT!
  3. Well, I haven't posted here in a while but I submitted my pictures and ..... I'm in! That's right, fellow dodgers, I'm officially TB 94616! w00t w00t. Still a few odds and ends I want to shift around such as velcroing the armor down and whatnot but I have officially joined the ranks of the 501st. Thanks for all the help and constructive criticism!
  4. Appreciate it, Barry! Like I said over on GT, I look to have it submitted in two weeks at the max. I got to snag some sewing skills to help finish it up to where I want it. We'll definitely have to troop together if the opportunity arises!
  5. Y'all asked. I delivered. Been meaning to put these up for the last few days. I slapped everything on and did a trial run at the mall for Halloween! I learned it gets hot. LOL. Other than that, it rocked. If it is a glimpse of the awesome times I'll have with the 501st and Pathfinders, I can't wait! I actually had three people call me out by 'biker scout' which surprised me. And the looks of awe and smiles from the kids? Heartwarming. Other than that, does the top arm armor go over the vest or under or does it matter? I had mine under since I couldn't recall the exact specification. Second picture is with my daughter who was NOT about the kit.
  6. Definitely understand that! Another perk that I have at my disposal is the fact that I found out my friend's wife can sew! As in, she has a sewing machine and all! I might just hit her up after this weekend to make the corrections a reality.
  7. Thanks for the feedback! Looking at the pictures, I do feel as if the left side went a bit higher than the right but I will definitely try to get it angled better tomorrow. In regards to the bund, it was made with permanent attachment. However, I do have another set of soft parts being crafted that will hopefully fit better to my measurements.
  8. The left box also seemed a bit off in the picture. I'm not sure if it is wonky or if it's the belt being slightly off but I will check it out a bit more tomorrow! The bund is another story all together unfortunately. It's too big -.- Plain and simple. I have a second set of soft parts being crafted that will (fingers crossed) fit better all together but since I'm not exactly sure when those will be done, I figured I'd might as well play with this set and get my toes wet.
  9. Okay, guys, I would love to get some critiques and suggestions!! I plan on trimming the shoulders down a bit more (especially in the back) and I am working on the placement of the armor bits (attaching them with velcro). I'm actually taking the suit for a run tomorrow at a local comic event so I'll toss some pics in after everything is on just a final bit of judgment from my peers but a preliminary feel would be awesome to have!
  10. I have another set of soft parts being made but after losing a bit of weight, the first set of soft parts fit a little better (not maximum comfort however). That being said, I'm going to pop some pictures up on Thursday in the pre-clearance section for input after I do a little tweaking.
  11. I totally concur on that notion!
  12. Yet another update and yet another hiccup in this journey. To say that this journey is closing in some way, shape or form is an understatement. >_<
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