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501st Pathfinder
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31 Excellent

About K@nne

  • Birthday 03/12/1986

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  • Interests
    Star Wars, Firefighting, Bodybuilding and my family

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    German Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Ladies and gentlemen, long time no hear, I finished my biker today. Did some weathering on the helmet and the armor and I directly had to put it on today But pictures say more than 1000 words, enjoy. Cheers
  2. Folks, some more progess done the last couple of days. Already received some feedback form my budies I am very thankful for. Flak Vest V1 done. For the first time it is ok like it is. But I will make another one with some adjustments. Pouches done. But I will make another pair a bit smaller that they will fit better my proportions Another test fitting with the smaller cummerbund, pouches and the vest V1. Also (not visible here) I made a new Kummerbund which is 2 inch smaller than the one I wore on the other pictures of March 26th. Here and there I will add some more velcro to keep the cummerbund.. in place. Cheers Chris
  3. What to do on a saturday evening? Made my flak vest. For the vest I used some black "heavy" cotton fabric . Preparing the sleeves first. After cutting all parts, I started to sew all parts together. And here it is, not perfect but for the first time I quite happy with it.
  4. I will try it and add some velcro to the cummerbund and the flak vest when it´s done. Saw it, but I did not put the in the correct place, also the belt and the boxes not on their final position. Will do that with the next fitting when all missing parts are done.
  5. Hey folks used the weekend to get some things done on my biker armor. I dyed the connection straps from chest to the back and the straps for the drop boxes. And assembled my belt And I had another test fit with the finished boots Yesterday the fabrics for the vest and the pouches arrive, I hope I will have some time next week to sew the vest and the pouches. I know it is not perfect, some more improvements can be done but I think it is not to bad. I have a question about the "cummerbund" the font is popping out unter the chest. How did you fix that? Cheers Chris
  6. I guess you mean the cap?! Really nice one. I like the colour. But the gloves are ......where did you find them
  7. Great build buddy. Approval should not be an issue. Can´t wait on our first troop.
  8. I would say is has the same size than the velcro. When I compare it to the distance of both stitching lines of the velcro . I would say it is the same size. My opinion 1inch is the better size.
  9. Thx sir Gesendet von meinem SM-G935F mit Tapatalk
  10. I was not sure about the size. So I used 1inch strap. Hope that's ok. Gesendet von meinem SM-G935F mit Tapatalk
  11. Yes, here you can see it better.
  12. Hi fellow bikers, with the help of the tutorial here, I tried to make my own boots. I used white vinyl I got from my friends upholstery shop. Some cheap boots from *bay And than I follow the tutorial And here are my final boots V1: Cheers Chris
  13. Hi folks, I add the metal lug on the strap to make it more stable. Finished my TD And did a short fitting.
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