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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Spycee

  1. It's a great armor, you can't go wrong with it.
  2. Ah ah, maybe at some point in the future ! I had a lot of fun helping her but finances are a bit tight for now, it will take some time before I can have a second armor (I have a Centurion TK).
  3. Félicitations chérie :-) Congratulations !
  4. Ah OK ! I thought he was maybe waiting something from us :-) Thanks for the update !
  5. What do you mean by "stand by" ?
  6. I got my wife's KS helmet within a month, I just told it was for a gift for her birthday.
  7. She got approved today :-) : TB-42135. Félicitations chérie !!!
  8. I'm happy to know it was useful ! It's the main reason I posted pictures of my build, to let others to have as many examples as possible to follow. It's not perfect, but it still can help.
  9. Submitted to the GML for approval !
  10. Ok, I think she is ready for 501st approval ... What do you think ?
  11. Thanks ! Oh, and some pictures of her first event I tried to do a selfie, but it seems stormtroopers aren't good at shooting ... :
  12. We sewed the suede patches !
  13. Some new pictures ! I need to do the vest, the suede patches and thigh elastics, make bigger holes for the ears, finish to put the black stickers on the tank, and make the collar (right word) on the flight suit. Oh, and add the metal hangers for the thermal detonator. The pants are still a little baggy, I need to address that. Does someone see something else that I don't ?
  14. Thanks for the comments ! I wasn't able to check pictures of scouts when putting it on her, she was too excited and wanted her armor on her right away ! We'll do a couple of tries this weekend with pictures at hand. Good tip for the elastics on the legs.
  15. WOO HOO !!! The bund and boots were waiting for me after work First try : The boots are perfect ! The bund is maybe a little short for the height, she would have taken an inch or 2 taller, but maybe it's just correct and the pieces are just not placed correctly (chest / back / belt are kept in place with green tape). We didn't have her armor at the moment we took measures, it's not easy to guess It's my fault ! But the bund itself is great, thanks again Marcel ! The pouches are a bit over the belt, I now have to try to fit all the pieces together correctly. The knees seem exactly at the right place over the boots. I cannot lift the chest / back higher, it would get over the bund. I think of maybe put velcro on top of the bund to stick it with the bottom of the chest, to be sure the chest doesn't get too high. And I can't put the belt a lot lower, it would be under the bund. Oh, and pictures of the knee :
  16. I forgot to put a new picture of the cotton part over the shoulders ! It looks a lot better.
  17. I also replaced the top screw ... I'm not sure I'll keep this screw, maybe I'll use the "more accurate but too big" one, it seems weird to have a round screw there. I completed the handle part, it looks good ! And the magnet is really strong, it will help a lot to keep the gun in place.
  18. Bund, pouches and boots shipped, OH YEAH !!! I attached the second elastic on the knees with a rivet (pictures soon if I don't forget) Now working on the gun ... Rubber is a bit harder to work with than resin, at least for me. I want to put a magnet in the handle, and replace the screws. I ordered the piece on the handle (don't know the name), but it's a lot thicker than expected : I'll use it while searching for a more accurate one. I made the hole in the handle : With the magnet : With the metal piece over : I just hope that the screws will be able to keep the magnet in place !
  19. Thanks ! Yeah, maybe nobody would notice it, but I know ... Well since I don't have the right screw I'll use it !
  20. Since the screws on the blaster aren't well formed and I want to put a magnet in the handle, I have to use real screws. But I have trouble to find the exact one I need ... Here are the 2 the closest I could find : This one has the good size, but the head is round, instead of flat ... This one is perfect, except for the size ... It's a bit bigger. Which one would be the one to use ? Or does someone know a place on the net where I could buy the right one ?
  21. The KS lets her keep her glasses and her long hair in the helmet, which is more than the SC one can do. I think the KS helmet is better for that. It didn't take a lot of time to be shipped, less than a month, I just specified it was a bit urgent (it was for a gift).
  22. My wife got a KS helmet and SC armor and it looks fine. But after all the modifications I think the KS helmet cost more than the SC.
  23. The tank is set in place ! The hole is made ! I now need to make a door to hide it. I'm currently sewing velcro to all the elastics ... Poor fingers ... I have to do it by hand since I only have glued velcro and on the sewing machine it didn't work well ... Almost half of them done.
  24. Thanks ! I decided to do something that I didn't see on the forum ... I made a hole in the back part to access the back tank : This way I have access to the inside, in case the screw for the black button (who can slide) gets loose, and to store stuff in case the pouches are not enough. I will make a "door" to close the hole with the removed part. The thing over the hole is inspired by the Pandatrooper build, it's the part that will be riveted to the back tank, but it is placed on a pile of ABS parts so it is placed higher than Pandatrooper. Hard to explain, I'm not very good in english. At least it makes sense in my head I could have made it smaller though.
  25. Thanks for the comments ! Yes, the T strap is coming, it's on my to do list. So many little things to do :-) Even when it will be finished I will be fine tuning it, it's the same thing with my TK. Yeah, I know gaps are accurate, but I prefer to be "realistic" ;-) It was not supposed to have gaps like that. In the movies it moves so fast we need to have bluray and take pictures at every frame to look at it, but I know this costume will be used to be near a lot of people for a long period, it must look as good as I can. We are not in the same situation like in the movies. In the mind of almost everybody this gap does not exist, they never saw it consciously.
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