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501st Pathfinder
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andylah last won the day on October 10 2024

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132 Excellent


About andylah

  • Birthday 06/18/1980

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  1. buckets off, thinking all his friends and family!
  2. buckets off, thinking all his friends and family!
  3. Wow some awesome working locking this down and moving forward, some great research for sure.... Definitely feels like Polar Blue is a winner here, those full sun photos look spot on. What's the bet as soon as we lock in on a colour the "Art of Andor" or the "Ultimate Visual Guide" comes out and shoots down all the good work done here... I am keen to work on this variant for sure!
  4. oh man... now I'm tempted to build my Scout as ROTJ not Remnant.... A Northern Caliifornia meetup sounds epic too... for those outside of the USA do you have any idea when???
  5. this weathering is simply stunning... well done.
  6. Sounds like the best way forward! I have always wanted to scout and I like the new dirty appearance!
  7. Looks amazing Kris, this build has got me wanting to do a Patrol Trooper now as well! Well done
  8. going for the next level of screen accuracy using the same adhesive! this build continues to be epic...
  9. Morning from Sydney Australia! I have founded our ART within the Southern Cross Garrison - the Southern Shore Recon Team Currently we have 5 approved Shoretroopers witch a bunch more in progress with 2-3 finished and awaiting the approval process (would happily open this up to the rest of the local pathfinders) Working on a logo but have ideas... I have PMed command to gain approval within BS.N
  10. very nice logo!!! can't wait.
  11. Looking good so far
  12. Congratulations Stefan! Wonderful effort!
  13. damn this looks good... Every time I see it I want to improve mine!
  14. wow, thats way more than I would have expected... explains the exasperated look of this guy
  15. Lies! Deceptions... will patiently wait for my E22 to arrive to get my sling....
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