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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Zark_T

  1. Work on this starts next week. See if I can get it done and approved before May 14th
  2. Keep up the awesome work. Makes me wanna get my butt in gear
  3. Thanks everyone. I will try mineral spirits to get some of the paint off.
  4. Yes Grumpy it was. Getting ready to do the sanding/paint stripping Wednesday, I'm am trying to get the kit done and approved before a big con in the area
  5. Dremel exchanged. And a little progress made. http://imgur.com/Z9Ixt4Q Wahoo my head fits now
  6. Just a set back, my dremel I just bought broke, gotta return it tomorrow. Have to mod the helmet so my head will fit in it. Also looking for a paint stripper for abs. The last person who has this armor used house paint.
  7. I will be also helping my girlfriend finish hers.
  8. Got a kit from someone, needs a good repaint and a couple of other things to finish. Pictures incoming
  9. Nevermind its back
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