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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Wedge_B5

  1. trooper bay has a helmet bag
  2. Looks great
  3. wow, the boots are looking great!!!
  4. Shoulder bridges are better than mine
  5. Nice work you're getting there
  6. Great start
  7. Seamstress / dress maker. The one thing about the CRL is that is does not explain the shape of the suede on the legs clearly. Take a copy of the crl with you showing all the images in colour.
  8. Hey Josh, Welcome to the forum. Which garrison are you in?
  9. Jan, I have 2 of Spikes helmets, they are great
  10. dont suppose you have a link?
  11. happy to answer any questions you have
  12. Have you tried Spike?
  13. Does anyone have plans/schematics to build a battlefront rifle off?
  14. SC = Studio Creations http://studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/index.html KS = Kropserkel http://www.kropserkel.com/ MC = ? Hope that helps out
  15. If you can source an Altmans check it out.
  16. Wedge_B5

    Flight Suit

    unfortunately... International Orders - None. We are NO longer accepting orders for shipping outside the U.S.A.
  17. Wedge_B5

    Flight Suit

    Wampawear has a good flightsuit but has pockets
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