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Everything posted by FO3Winger

  1. If I’m reading the question right, It’s so that the softer hook Velcro can be sewn onto the jumpsuit and it can be laundered easier. If both sides of the Velcro are matched up properly you shouldn’t experience any damage. At least that’s been my thinking in how I’ve done mine. I use heavier duty Velcro for durability and so it wouldn’t make much of a difference either way except for the laundry aspect of it. edit: I took your question as the Velcro inside the boot underneath where the holster goes. Doh.
  2. Thanks a lot!
  3. Ok here’s the new suede with the adjusted thigh bands. I brought them to the midway point and made them tighter. How’s that look? https://imgur.com/NsCpHn0 https://imgur.com/Na12Ycc Thanks again for y’all’s input.
  4. Awesome, thanks for the input!
  5. Ok great! As just a reference though, ending “just before the knee” would be where it’s just barely touching the knee pad? Or my actual knee cap itself? I interpreted it as the knee pad originally.
  6. @Stroker, @Dart Ok here’s a comparison of the new suede (minus elastic) vs old suede. Any thoughts on wether or not that looks to be Lancer spec? I’m gonna wait for a reply before I dedicate to going any further. I sure am glad I originally got two pig skins. Thanks for any input! https://imgur.com/92PYBu9
  7. Ok cool, thanks for the replies @Stroker and @Dart. I am striving for lancer so I’ll make the adjustments and update when I can!
  8. Hey there folks, I recently put my riding patches on my jumpsuit and I’m hoping they are fine. Compared to some of the photos I’ve seen where the patches cover half the leg, mine are more conservative. The bottoms of the patches end just above knee height on the inside of the leg not so much the front. These images are without the bund and cod piece. https://imgur.com/2j3C3kg https://imgur.com/DPusFeB https://imgur.com/DBcAKtO Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks and Happy Easter!
  9. Ok good people, how’s this for a single color? Please remember I’m colorblind. https://imgur.com/uUfu8NI Also I’d prefer the cutouts on the boot to be better but it lines up with the cuts already on the boot and I’m pretty much limited to just this and hardly any other boot since I wear a 15US. Hopefully that doesn’t kill it being Lancer. Any input is appreciated.
  10. https://etsy.me/2QHjprv I came across this kit from 3DPropsNL on Etsy. $50.56 basic and $89.88 with the scope attachment. I’ve just got a typical BB gun scope on mine currently but I’d like to upgrade to something better eventually.
  11. Hey sounds good enough for me, thanks
  12. Being that I wear size 15 boots my choices of footwear are rather limited... the pair that I have built my boots on have a stupid dual tone rubber sole and I’ve read before on here somebody recommending to another that you can paint it to match. Wheat color if I remember correctly. Do any of y’all have any suggestions or experience with painting soles? Longevity/durability with different types of paint and/or sealer? Here’s what I’ve got: https://imgur.com/RkMmlzW https://imgur.com/pWcg0Us Thanks in advance.
  13. The skins I got were approx. 3’x5’. Plenty of leftover.
  14. The final product. The gap between panels is covered by the codpiece. Good luck on yours!
  15. Take care when sewing it that you don't end up in your own version of a Hellraiser movie with all the needles poking you... I originally just sewed the patches on and then opened the threading where needed and inserted the elastic bands then resewed once I figured the right positions.
  16. So I was always really intimidated by the idea of making the right shape suede and then sewing those suckers on correctly and I never got around to doing it until tonight when the Emperor just looked at me and said "DEW IT!" So I did. A couple thread rips and poked fingers later and I've got it done. I've seen plenty of other ways of doing it and with slightly different patterns all of which I was inspired by as well as some of the tutorials on here but this is mostly to say that if "I" can do it, YOU can too. First I made a template that was the right fit to me. Then I just centered it to the underside of of the jumpsuit and pinned it in place.
  17. On a side note, Heat guns are great for smoothing out and clearing up scratches on Riot shields, if you ever have need to do so.
  18. Alright thanks! did the job perfectly. My heat gun actually kinda looks like a lightsaber so I'll have to get a belt clip for it.
  19. Alright, I've got holes from tacking the vinyl down all around the edge of my boots right on the tread in a softer foamy part of the sole. Just these tiny little tack holes all on the edge of it. Does anyone have any idea what i could use to fill them? Dirt maybe? I know that nobody would really notice the tiny holes since its at the ground level, but I see too many cleaner looking boots on here and its making my OCD go nuts. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  20. I used E6000 on my boots and unfortunately i had to redo the whole thing, not because of the glue but a sizing issue, I can tell you that trying to peel off that vinyl with that glue underneath was one heck of a workout, without a lot of heat that stuff just wont come undone. I can definitely vouch for how good that stuff is.
  21. Well it's 2016 now, maybe we will get the helmet this year?
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