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About Kdragunov

  • Birthday 09/13/1972

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    Star Wars Clones & Biker Scouts

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  1. I've done this one up for a desert scheme and it's a side project for something I am tooling around with. What do you all think.
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  2. ^Good question about this^ being some of what i seen on the scout armor for the cartoon version is different from what the CLR's are on page 1
  3. Why don't they just use the same suit for the CRLs for this armor? Make it simple and change nothing up
  4. Looking good, I'm thinking of getting of these helmets to do an ezra's style which would be pretty kool.
  5. Just wondering if there is any photo's that are for people to see, seems like the 1's up top aren't showing
  6. Would this be the same for the BARC trooper or no?
  7. Ok kool I was kinda wondering because of how this came about, I found it on fb and it was something i wasn't sure but if it's allowable, then again I'll make it and see whether it and see if it can be something new to the LFL's or the LMO's but right now just gonna tool around with the left over parts i ended up with and go from there.
  8. Hello: I was wondering about this armor if it's even considered to be a clone or the pathfinder since of the mix of the armor being the helmet is normal scout and the body armor is clone, would this be considered for making this into a armor for this group and get in on the CRL's? I'm just thinking about doing this since i happen to have spare clone parts like the upper body and the cod and butt plate and the knees. Hope to hear back on this good question on this.
  9. Does any1 have photo's that they can share that will show up on these fourms? I looked and most of the photo's aren't showing up so it's hard to know what to use for the gloves or anything for the kashyyyk suit, sorry not trying to be a pain in the butt, but don't help when you can't see photo's of anything.
  10. Can this take electronics? I'm looking to have something that can have an open port for the slim battery charger that can fit inside this? and what would 1 of these go for?
  11. Hello: As you can see this is what i want to get and would like some1 to build me a biker scout helmet and got money to buy a finished helmet. Any help here?
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