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501st Pathfinder
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About blholmes

  • Birthday 06/30/1973

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  • Location
    Columbia, md

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    OldLine Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. i based mine after lonewolf design only because the others are so big carrying around i wanted something more compacted.
  2. the stock I cut from a block of wood and sandy the heck out of it but the scout I want to do over. My son wants likes it for his mando I'm making with him. so starting over
  3. I was going to go carbine but I really like the look of yours. I have a nerf rebel blaster to modifie but not sure now
  4. Im bout to do same thing because that just looks cool.
  5. I tried to make my own bots by following a video n YouTube and they came out pretty good. All around price was like $50 to $60. Gonna try my hand with the vest soon.
  6. All I can say is WOW. I ordered my armor about a week ago and I have it already. Looks good and instructions for everything with it. Cant wait to get started rite after I rest from working in snow last few days.
  7. Yeh I saw it on Wookieepedia and thought it looked very cool. I saw someone make a Biker scout concept recon rifle and wondering if someone did the same with this one.
  8. I'm not feeling the DLT-19 is bigger then I wan to haul round so I found something I like.. E-11 sniper rifle have anyone seen it or how you like it?
  9. Is it just me or do anyone else see the Dogbone in the movie photo has a inch gap to the sole but every build you see has the Dogbone touching the sole? Any thoughts?
  10. Thanks Fettski ill do my best to make one to see you guys. Ill take sll the help I can get. Thx guys
  11. Thx guys think I will go that route. But I havr talk ti someone in old line garrison and he said that the helmet was alittle small but armir was the best he seen, I have helmet but has little issues and I bout a pistol sesin I hear problem will be boots and gloves?
  12. I see some people build their own and I see that some people buy them. I saw armor for sale by Studio creations, do anyone have a review on that and is it acceptable for trooping in the 501. I should be able to do the assembly myself with a little time. Thx.
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