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501st Pathfinder
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ldal last won the day on April 17 2016

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  1. Not in a hurry at all, I just hoped it still existed somewhere!
  2. Is the pouch thread gone? I'm not sure what it looks like on a computer but from my phone it is inaccessible..?
  3. Thank you, you will get there! It was a lot of work, but so worth it
  4. I know what you mean, it is overwhelming! I would start with hard parts. Once you get them together and start trying things on, you will be able to better measure for your soft parts (the width/height of the cummerbund, the length of the flak vest sleeves, the height of the boots, all taking into account a little extra padding for the layers you'll be wearing, at least that's the way I did it). Just take it day by day, focus on a part and look at as many pictures of that part as you can. I had hundreds of pictures saved on my phone for reference, and finally just cleared them out a few days ago. Also, there are some videos on youtube by Riblet15 that were really helpful for me. I built the belt with her method, as far as the big parachute clip to keep it secure. Good luck!!
  5. Thanks everybody, appreciate it!
  6. Will do, Cheyenne. Thanks, Damian! Round 2 pics: I wish there was a way to make the back of the bund smooth, but unless it's cinched like a corset, there is no way. (at least now the back is centered)
  7. Thank you Jim and Retrofire and Dmorja! Ok, BikerScout007, you twisted my arm, I will think about Lancer in the future : ) I cut open the bund and recut the closure. It is now centered, I hope it still looks that way tomorrow. I wasn't happy with it anyway, so maybe now I can stop sweating about that detail. New pics will be coming up. I wish it didn't look so bunchy in the back. But, it's tight where the belt covers it, so idk.
  8. Thanks! Not even thinking about Lancer at this point, there are definitely things I would change if I was going for that.
  9. I think it is a little twisted, because the black elastic coming up the back was centered when tried on. BUT, the bund closure is not centered exactly (we were maybe 0.5 inches off center). Do you think that will be a problem? (That's one of those things that didn't turn out exactly right measurement-wise, and didn't want to remake the bund over 0.5 inches) :/
  10. I realized after everything was taken off that on the back view, everything kind of looks...askew. Also, Velcro is not attached to anything on the arms yet, I wanted to get input on the placement first. Not everything turned out 100% the way I wanted, but..that's how it goes. Thanks for input!
  11. Wedge_B5 --- ohh whatever! : ) I'm not in love with those stitches on top, but if they are ok, them I'm ok with them. Finally, FINALLY, I'm 95% done with the boots. Just missing the bottom 2 rivets, waiting for a little E6000 on the dogbones to set. And still missing the blaster for the holster. What I learned: don't use a 5 dollar rivet gun. It decided to lose pressure during the 2nd rivet and had to drill it out, go buy a better rivet gun, and try again. Basically, the plastic inside the holster is pretty destroyed around the rivet. But it's still solid from the outside. Also, I am in awe of people who have talent sewing vinyl. That has been by far the most nerve-wracking part of this whole build.
  12. Thoughts on this shoulder treatment, is this acceptable? It's duck cloth, sewed and with a few layers of Velcro to hold it all together. Plus there is a tiny bit of hook Velcro on top of the shoulder armor, to hold the duck cloth in place so it doesn't slip. I haven't seen any pictures where anyone put Velcro on top of their shoulders (that I could tell). Just checking that this isn't an issue. I hope not because it works so well and doesn't budge.
  13. Yeah, I used a bigger blade to do the cutting (no idea what size) and then pushed up underneath the hunk with the "flat" blade, like in wookieevader's thread (I think it was??). Fresh new blades made all the difference.
  14. Thank you! Curved the bottoms of the shoulder bells. Tools used: A pencil, the edge of an envelope to make the straight line, the edge of a roll of Scotch tape to make the curve, plain old scissors, and a piece of sandpaper. Had to do it the old fashioned way.
  15. Glued the tank topper on yesterday, and put the rivet through the middle today. I only first used the pop rivet gun about 4 minutes before I tried it out on my armor. So, I'm really glad it worked. That's not how I attached it to the back armor, though.. I used mustangman3000's Velcro method. Yes, I have the sloppiest Dremel skills ever. I also can't measure that great, either, since Velcro from underneath leaked up to the top and those pieces were not supposed to overlap. My method is, eh, just eyeball it. But Velcro-ed up, it's solid. Stickers all in place, and a rivet that is not riveted to anything on the underneath.
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