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501st Pathfinder
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About MasterChai

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  • 501st Garrison
    Philippine Outpost
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  1. Thanks for the feedback. I see what you mean about the soles. I found these at a local store and I think they look pretty similar to the sierras save for the sole cut pattern. I was wondering if they would make a great base shoe to have my friend build a Lancer worthy boot out of.
  2. Thanks for the feedback. Aside from the cut patterns on the soles, what do I need to have him improve on to make the boots Lancer level?
  3. A friend offered to make these boots for me and I was wondering if they were good enough to get through Level 1, just so I can start trooping as a TB while I take my time hunting down those HITEC Sierra shoes. The CRL was a bit vague when it comes to specifics and these boots do seem to follow the CRL broad strokes. Appreciate your opinions so I can decide if I'll take him up on his offer. Thanks!
  4. Thanks guys, I know about MC's really long wait times from back when I was doing my TI build. I'll try checking out SC and PandaTrooper's thread.
  5. Hi All, Does anyone know which armor MC,KS or SC is best for those with small builds or frames? I'm building a TB for my girlfriend who has a very petite build and I'm worried that I might purchase a kit to big for her to wear properly. She stands around 5'2, slim. Thanks!
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