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501st Legion (RET)
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About HeyItsAdam

  • Birthday January 31

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    Land O Lakes, FL

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  1. I am not a seamstress by any means. I am very lucky to have a very reasonable seamstress who lives up the street and I bring her my handiwork to stitch on my wares. That being said... if you're a novice with sewing like I am, all I did was lay my jumpsuit out on the floor, flat. I used WRAPPING PAPER (because it comes in big sheets that you can unroll) to just kind of "trace" where the seams were on the suit. I basically did my best to just mirror the pattern that someone so kindly put in the link in an above post. To do the other leg, I used the same pattern, just "flipped" over to make the mirror image.
  2. I have been making my boots. I don't do build threads because quite frankly it takes me away from the work I'm doing. To document and log everything ... I find that it robs me of momentum. So forgive me. However I have been following the pinned boot tutorial religiously. One thing that I tried on a hunch that really helped secure the stretched toe vinyl to the boot after gluing is to put the boots in the freezer! I used the heat gun to stretch the toe fabric. That made it nice and stretchy and I kept pulling it tighter and tighter and tighter over the boot. As quickly as possible I put the glue all over the boot and then re-pinned the vinyl. As soon as it was re-pinned I pulled a Costanza and went for maximum shrinkage. I stuck my boots directly in the freezer overnight. The result was the vinyl super shrunk, and really clung to the boot. Here they are so far:
  3. I can't recommend these enough. You can buy them here in Tampa at the local Army/Navy store. You can even pull out the padding or add padding if you like a cushy-er feeling. I had to remove a little on my TK helmet so my eyes lined up with the eye holes.
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