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501st Legion Member
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About Beren

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  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison
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  1. If you email Studio Creations, they have a PDF document with step-by-step instructions that I found very helpful. Enjoy!
  2. Lookin' real nice fellow SWAT brother!
  3. I've moved on to the mask now... Do I need to glue my mask and visor together? The SC kit instructions don't suggest this, but I thought I've seen scouts trooping with once piece that flips up...
  4. I just received my SC kit and am beginning to trim and assemble the parts and pieces. I've been looking through the vast knowledge base here on the forums for guidance, but am still learning may way around here, so some of my initial questions will be quite basic. Using Pandatrooper's build as a solid reference, I am building the armor for my wife, so I'll need to keep things trimmed down for her size. First questions involve the belt: 1) How close to the top of the belt boxes do I trim the belt? There's a bit of plastic above and below. Do I trim this flush to the boxes, or leave the 2mm of material alone? 2) The sides boxes need to be attached (not the hip boxes, but the side belt boxes) via rivets. These parts have a short tab on one side and a longer tab on the other. Just wondering where the hard part of the belt needs to terminate... If I place the longer tabs towards the back, they wrap around my wife's back a bit. Thanks in advance to your help and feedback! I look forward to learning from you all! Pete
  5. Funny what we do for the ladies in our lives! I am just beginning to collect and order parts to build a shadow scout for my wife. I look forward to seeing your build thread!
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