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    United States

501st Information

  • Name
    Jeffrey Caples

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  1. I'd like to buy your Scout. Please hit me up. 

  2. Thanks. Looking like I may have to just approximate and hope for the best so that certainly helps. Combing through the pictures to do a few measurements as well for the most educated guess possible. I suppose if they end up too high it's better than too low as they could be cut down and restitched later.
  3. I have ordered or purchased everything I need for my build except for the boots. Got the guy ready to do them for me but he needs a measurement relating to the knee pad and my armor hasn't arrived yet. I know I could do the tutorial but I am not crafty and have no time to work on it. I am hoping someone in the phoenix metro area has a scout setup and wouldn't mind meeting me for 15 minutes this weekend so I can get the measurement I need. I'll come to you. failing that if there is someone out there who is about 5'11" and wouldn't mind throwing a knee on while barefoot and telling me how high up the bottom of the knee sits I can do some math and probably be pretty darn close.
  4. http://www.ebay.com/...=item461a4d0f23 or http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-Biker-Scout-Gloves-/201025901281?pt=US_Costume_Accessories&var=&hash=item2ece13d2e1 opinions?
  5. Thanks for all the helpful replies guys. Let the shopping begin!
  6. On a teacher's budget I probably will be a one costume guy for a long time so I am being careful not to make any hasty decisions and hoping to to do this right in on go. My initial thinking was that I would secure the ready to wear items first as it would get me started while I sort out the armor related issues which appear to be more complex. I was looking at the boots first and am curious to know how and why the CA boots are 501st legit but not kosher for lancer? I don't yet know what Marcel charges but I am a guy who would rather spend money than time or effort as I am not particularly crafty. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated. have not gotten an email back yet but the ebay store listed for gloves in currently empty. The racing coverall appears to be out of stock in black so I am also wondering exactly what needs to be done to the collar on the other one in order to make it work? I think the pocket removal I can handle and at half the cost of the racing one I can afford to screw one up. Finally, has anyone had any contact with Kropserkel lately? I sent them an email almost a month ago asking about prices and turnaround time and haven't had so much as a peep from them
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