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501st Pathfinder
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RCMUSTANG last won the day on September 9 2014

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    Southern California Garrison
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  1. I may or not may have an extra laying around....
  2. EIB is level 2 for FISD. Centurion is level 3. Just for clarification.
  3. All weathering is washed out in the photos including the pants. They don't look that bright and crisp. I'm going to allow more natural weathering happen to this armor.
  4. Thank you, sir.
  5. I guess it's finally time to post. I'm just waiting for a replacement Kama as mine was a bit short. As usual the weathering is washed out in the pictures.
  6. Go SC for the armor and depending on how big of a helmet you need SC is smaller and KS is biggest. KS armor is really big. I don't remember on the sizing for the MC but expect a long wait if you go for MC.
  7. They sell elevator bolts at Lowe's. I get mine there and all you need to do is paint them. http://www.lowes.com/pd_137972-37672-881003_0__?productId=3722660&Ntt=elevator+bolts&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNtt%3Delevator%2Bbolts&facetInfo=
  8. Just be mindful that the SC is much smaller than a KS.
  9. Mine is the same. I just centered the topper and riveted it in. But I have no idea how that would affect Lancer status.
  10. Echo brought one and it's a total no go.
  11. I have those in the rest of my buckets. I want to use Kevin's if it fits as it's easier to install if it does.
  12. Anyone know if the KW headband kit fits in a modified Rubie's? I know. It's a Rubies. It's what I'm using till I free up some funds later for a SC. I just need something in the meantime for approval.
  13. You look like someone I've seen before....
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