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501st Legion (RET)
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Bootstrap last won the day on August 30 2014

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About Bootstrap

  • Birthday 05/05/1988

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  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Central Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. Hello. Does anyone know of a rubber scout belt? I noticed my belt has several large cracks in them and nothing seems to fix them.
  2. Hello All Just wondering what others do in this situation. I have to manually hold my visor up ( or take my helmet off completely) if Im taking a breather or chatting with someone. I thought about 3d printing some sort of sliding hinge that I can glue in that would hold it up when I need it to. Any other suggestions?
  3. Thats exactly what I was looking for.. Thanks!
  4. What is the zip tie method for shoulder bells? Im intrigued by it.
  5. Thanks for the input. Ill have to ask around, but dont think it would be a problem. Alot of our troops in the area are small scale, fun, troops. Going back to the sound idea... Is there a different set up you would recommend over the amp in the pouch?
  6. I dont really run any sound. I have a mic and amp, and am considering some wireless options. Do you think its possible to send me a schematic or picture of your set up? I also have a pair of binders, thats a good idea. My first thought for a "revamp" was to build a shadow scout, but I decided that was much more of a convention type costume. A DLT-19 wouldnt be to difficult to make either.... I also thought about attaching an ewok to my shoulder or back ( for fun troops) just to add a little bit to the character.
  7. Hello everyone Ive had my scout active for going on 4 years now, and frankly getting a little bored with the standard variation. Has anyone done anything differently to kind of enhance or improve there costuming experience. I dont think my helmet is big enough ( or my head is small enough) to fit alot of electronics in it. Ive tried different costumes and tend to find myself not enjoying it for one reason or another.
  8. Picked up one of these
  9. Nice..that's really cool
  10. Used some bondo spot putty that seemed to allow me to blend.
  11. I'm going to take my dremel to some of that putty tonight and try to make the seams cleaner.
  12. I'm stuck and could use help.. Designed from the above picture. Could use input
  13. Picked these up at the goodwill.. Should be able to make something
  14. Griffin, did it have a stock? Between that one and the one above it that is exactly what I'm looking for. I can't tell from the concept picture of that blaster has a stock or not. Was it molded? Any ideas where I can get one?
  15. Had anyone tried to build this? All I could find were the concept pics but want something unique...ideas?
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