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About paradoxdj

  • Birthday 06/06/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    West coast, Canada

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Outer Rim Garrison
  1. I've done a bunch of pepakura builds for other costumes in the past. Looks like you've got a good clean start to this one. I can't wait to see the final product!
  2. These look awesome! I'll definitely try these out on my printer when I get to my build.
  3. This is looking great so far! I can't wait to see the final product. What are you plans for using the final model? Is this just for personal use or are you going to make and sell the bucket or sell the stl for printing?
  4. Your build is looking great! You've come up with some pretty clever ways of lining things up and masking things off. I like that laser trick you did for the tank. Well done!
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