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501st Pathfinder
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echo last won the day on June 14 2014

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8 Neutral

About echo

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    Los Angeles

501st Information

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. So my SC tank top detail came with a hole predrilled. But it is slightly off center. Is that where the single rivet goes? Or should the rivet be aligned with the center circle. If it should be centered, does the hole need to be filled? Or leave it as is? I am building for Lancer level.
  2. I was watching RotJ and noticed this detail on one of the Scouts. I also found the same detail on the Blu-ray extra disc that has images of a scout costume. Would adding that little rectilinear shape along the top tank striping be ok? Not all of the scouts had them, but at least one did... Photo from RotJ Photo of the extras disc image
  3. Placeholder for Helmet info
  4. Placeholder for TD info
  5. Placeholder for Chest info
  6. Placeholder for Armor (Tank) info
  7. Placeholder for Armor (Arms) info
  8. Undersuit Materials: Red Kap Twill Action Back Coveralls - Medium http://www.redkap.co...n-Back-Coverall 2" Black Elastic Pig suede Velcro Modifications: -Remove back pockets -Remove front pockets -Remove Narrow pocket on side -Sew side access openings closed -Sew 2" elastic and suede patches to thighs -Sew Suede Mud Flap -Sew collar strap using remnant material from back pocket -Sew Velcro to collar strap -Sew 2" elastic to bottom of pant legs (Pictures coming soon)
  9. Finally am seeing some time to start my build. Item Checklist: Armor: SC (Studio Creations)Kit Helmet: MCL v3 primed unpainted fiberglass (direct from MCL) Under suit: Red Kap Twill Action Back Coverall Medium Cummerbund: Marcel (White) Pouches: Marcel (White) Boots: Marcel Vest: not acquired yet Blaster: Hyperfirm Gloves: Sith Armour Balaclava: Under Armor Misc: Helmet Decals: Trooperbay Headband kit: KW TD clips: Chef Snout: DVH resin cast Green Lens: Trooperbay Pig Suede: my local supplier 2" Black Elastic: Joann Fabrics 35mm Black Elastic: Alibaba Physical Stats: Height: 5-10" Weight: 160lbs Waist: 32 in Foot: 11US (10UK) Chest: 41 in
  10. Hello, I wanted to check if the size of the riding patch is correct for my undersuit. I used the template from the forums here. Previous threads state that the patch should extend above the knee or 2/3 down your thigh. Using the patch, I made the length of the inseam line 9". This places the bottom of the patch about 2/3rds down my leg. However, the width of it seems small. When I am standing, the patch is barely visible. Is this correct? Here are some images, sorry for the poor quality. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Right Leg View from front
  11. echo


    Hey Michael, good to see you here. I've got all of my parts and hope to be done with my Scout by the end of the summer. Good luck with your build.
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