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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Dazauto

  1. Thanks guys a proud moment indeed
  2. Awesome, thank you very proud to make Lancer
  3. Congrats, we both made Lancer on the same day
  4. Hi Marcel, ive adjusted and evened up the boxes a bit, kitted back up and pics below for your consideration. Fingers crossed ive got it right this time
  5. Thanks Marcel will even up the boxes asap do you need me to fully kit up again once adjustments are made
  6. Hi Marcel, ive adjusted my drop boxes so they are higher and redone the rear straps as requested please find pics below for your consideration.
  7. Hi Marcel, thank you for the reply and advice on adjustments ive just back off my hols and only just seen this. I will get the adjustments done asap and post up pics for your approval
  8. Suit details: Action pose:
  9. Hi guys ive recently been cleared by the UK Garrison and would like to apply for Lancer. Armour and built helmet including all elastics and strapping supplied by Chef All soft parts and boots supplied by Chef Gloves are Sitharmour Blaster unknown maker I have followed the Lancer CRL in putting everything together Please advise on any alterations/corrections needed for Lancer deployment. Helmet: TD: T-Bits: Knee: Tank detail: Holster and Boots: Belt rivets: Shoulder covers: Blaster: Gloves: Cumberbund: Flak vest: Maxed out allowed pics suit details to follow in next post Thank you guys and standing by
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