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  1. I miss Scarif...

  2. Still 100% relevant. I was a bit intimidated and also short on time, I feel you on the kiddo portion so I've had ample time to look around and get my ducks in a line. Your tutorial has helped cure some of that "1st cut angst" and the detail you go into and why is phenomenal. Thanks brethren.
  3. Quick question, maybe I missed it, if so I apologize. What brand/color paint did you use for the tube? Also what type of paint? If you don't mind sharing I'd appreciate it greatly.
  4. Dude, this is so awesome. Thanks for sharing. You're a similar frame as I, this will help me greatly.
  5. Well gents, I decided to go with the SC armor kit. I have to say thus far my experience with SC has been amazing. Said on the site it'd be 5-7 days, ordered it last Thursday (08/18/16) and it arrived today (08/22/16)! Holy smokes was that fast. I've been sent constant communication and the second it arrived at the post office I was emailed a tracking number. Also, numerous tutorials on how to assemble were included for not only the armor but the helmet as well. I'm 5'7" and 135-140ish. 28-30 waist, and 29-30 inseam. A petite lil'feller. So far just mocking everything up it doesn't look that many adjustments will need to be made minus some on the bells, but like Tim (Stroker) says I'm going to be veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery careful when making said modifications. I'll keep you updated on my progress and let you know! Hope to start assembly in the next week. I'll be doing the soft armor in the next month or so, the wife has a friend who's a pretty good tailor/seamstress so at least I got that going for me.
  6. Hail Nikko, coming at you from the other side of the river (saw you have WI listed on your profile, I'm in MN). Did you have to get a new lens after you made that mod to that SC bucket. Looks effing awesome btw! The mod doesn't look overly complicated but was just wondering. Great job again brethren. Troop on trooper.
  7. I can't start to express my gratitude on how helpful everyone is here. I've also been looking at building one for around 2-3 years now and have been researching on and off. I am in the same exact spot, with the replies from this thread I feel that I have finally come to a decision, well on the armor at least. I have a good friend who is a seamstress and is going to help me with all the soft parts and that boots tutorial is going to be a life saver (and a lot of fun too). Gloves, seems to me Wampa is the way to go from everything I've read. Now if I could just decide on the helmet, I'm a smaller dude, 5'7 and 140 lbs soaking wet so it would seem logical to go with SC. I like SC especially for the turn around time, and cost, I've never been afraid to take up a bit of a project. I really appreciate the feedback from Spanky101 above and pointing out some good spots for tutorials and help. Now, to pull the trigger.
  8. thanks for the link, even valid in 2016
  9. Looks friggen sweet.
  10. Smart. Ok, 4 more to go.
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