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501st Pathfinder
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About gs1100muc

  • Birthday 10/21/1966

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Munich, Germany
  • Interests
    motor biking, swimming

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    German Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Just had a look at toywars.com, where I ordered an eFx helmet years ago. Now domain is offered for sale ...
    my last request few years ago didn't get answered.
    Well, of course I got another helmet since then and looking forward for next troop.

    These Patches are really great work! sewed it on a black Star-Wars jacket and enjoy wearing. Thanks a lot!

  2. At least I got the chance to lend a helmet from a friend just for taking a "complete" picture of me at Star Wars days at Legoland Germany in June, where I joined another time only as photographer - now I hope to receive my efx in time for Episode 7
  3. This being late is such a pity, since I wanted to apply for membership at 501st in Germany and to join Star Wars Legoland Germany Event on first weekend of June, 2015 as my first trooping. My costume is almost complete now and only the bucket is missing. Of course I hoped to get delivery in time when I ordered in December 2014. Now it seems that I can't take part as active Scout member but as guest photographer only I hope efx will find/found a solution for these technical problems and will deliver stable and full quality helmets (which I indeed expect at that pricing level) regards from Germany to all Scouts and thanks a lot for your advices and WiPs which helped me a lot!
  4. Thanks for your opinions, I also had some thoughts about it for not looking to sloppy. For sewing with the machine there's a roller foot to sew foam padding very comfortably and without snagging/sticking of padding into the foot. Another thing would be darting (?) or topstitching within the middle seam of the cod piece to have a better shape, here's an example to get the idea:
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