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spike last won the day on January 31

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About spike

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    Terror Australis Garrison
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  1. I have some interest in taking over making the Alt, watch this space cheers yours in the force Spike
  2. Hi Scouts, I wont be suppling the Alt Scout helmet after October this year. Health reason mainly. So if you want an ALT for trooping or to collect now is the time to order. PM me for more information cheers for now Happy New Year!!
  3. The ALT fits a 26inch size... with glasses to
  4. bucket has been sold cheers
  5. still available, email for pics, cant upload here PM sent cheers
  6. Hi, I have a ALT scout bucket ready to go, 501st approved, vents/ears trimmed for trooping. PM me for more if interested cheers Scouts
  7. The ALT will fit a 26inch size.... while wearing glasses cheers
  8. ALT buckets are still available cheers
  9. this has gone to a new home have to be quick cheers
  10. Hi Scouts, I have an ALT scout helmet ready to go due to a cancelled order. PM me for details if your interested cheers
  11. well done mate
  12. followup to my last post, you may use a mild abrasive car/auto polish to remove the yellowing and apply silicone at the same time, I use KITTEN brand its a cream not a hand compound. cheers
  13. UV will kill thermo plastics, keep out of the sun as much as possible. thinner the plastic the worse it is Auto paints will act as a shield from UV I have plastic vac formed items from the 80,s, painted and still good to go another thing that protects auto paint is a silicon polish so you may use that to help cancel some of UV damage cheers
  14. body molds went to the USA, still do the ALT helmet not sure who the local supplier is cheers
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