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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by PhinScout

  1. http://s61.photobucket.com/user/PhinScout/library/
  2. Well, today was the day I became official as both a member of the 501st and as a Pathfinder. I believe I built my armor to the highest standards and am anticipating your feedback. I received my armor kit from Chef, including the soft goods. I assembled the helmet myself along with all the strapping, rivets, velcro, snaps, buckles, etc. I also built the boots on my own. The hold out blaster was from DVH. I hope you enjoy. I set up a photo bucket and also added them to the photo gallery, wanted to make sure they came through one way or another.
  3. Thank you Kayelbe. I thought I had seen pictures. I was looking off of the 501st CRL site and could not find it. Should have looked in the Lancer section.
  4. Just one question to start off. In the middle of my Lancer build and can not find the answer on the CRL, so hopefully you wonderful people can help. Where the belt connects from the fabric to the plastic, is it standard to do this with a rivet? And is it just one rivet in the center. I have seen it done by others, but want to make sure this is the proper and preferred method. Thanks for your help!
  5. I am working on my build now. I live in Florida and the humidity is pretty bad. I have played paintball here with a more open mask and without a fan it fogged up pretty good. I appreciate the advice though, I may try it without and see what happens.
  6. As the title states, I am looking for any and all recommendations for the fans people use in their helmets as well as a possible USB battery that will last a good while. And if you could give me ideas on where to find a good voice amplifier that will not mix signals with the scout next to me, that would be amazing. Thanks for any and all help.
  7. Awesome! Can't wait to see some built!
  8. Congrats man!!
  9. Makes sense to me...better to have it in case than not. I have received a little feedback and think it will be good either way. They look great the way you did them.
  10. Worked on mine last night as well, but did not get as far as you did. Looking good so far. I thought the cuts on the front of the boot were supposed to go all the way down, no line like the back has across it. I hope it can be either way, because I did not leave a line. I will post pictures in my thread to show what I mean today.
  11. Congrats man! I hope to be there soon!
  12. They do run a little big. I figured it would make it a little easier to slip on and off. They may shift some once on...maybe thick socks will do the trick!
  13. Yeah Tim, I have seen some do pretty deep cuts. I have heard they should be about 1/16th of an inch deep, which isn't much. I figured to start shallow, I can always cut out more but I can't add any back in. Thanks for the advice.
  14. If any Lancers would chime in and let me know what they think of the markings on these before I cut. I know they are very familiar to what has been seen in here, but you can never be to safe or ask for too much feedback. Thanks for any help. Robert
  15. Just bought the same boots and going to start cutting Wednesday! Wish me luck!
  16. Does anyone know if the boots on his site pass the Lancer specs?
  17. Great review. I am looking for a good blaster and this might just be the one!
  18. Welcome! I am currently working on my build as well!
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