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501st Pathfinder
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About PhinScout

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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197 profile views
  1. I would love to add your ART patch to my collection!
  2. Thanks Jenn and welcome Sarah!
  3. Congrats to my TBS brother!
  4. Very Nice and very interested once you get some swag done!
  5. Congrats brother! Yep...coin time!
  6. following now and will post the pics I have soon.... Now to track down that Rathtar Riders patch
  7. Looks great. Juan always blows it out of the park...bring on the merch!
  8. Congrats brother!!
  9. Great job getting the Merch rolling Mickey....got mine ordered!
  10. Thanks Steve! Let's get this party started!
  11. Congratulations to both of you...I am sure you will do the detachment proud !
  12. May he rest in peace....buckets off
  13. No need to clarify brother. I submit pics, wait for feedback, fix the issues, then get told to fix something different. This has happened 4 times now...feel free to scroll back from the beginning. I don't mind the feedback, but from my original pics, I was given a list of items to fix, which I did....if there were more issues at that time, they should have been addressed then. Each picture can be picked apart for minor differences...maybe I stood a little different, maybe the lighting is different, maybe I moved a certain way and something adjusted or shifted a bit....pictures are subjective. We have all trooped and know that how you start off looking is not how you finish...things wrinkle, things move. Not trying to be a downer or make excuses, but when it is built with all the proper straps and rivets and fixed any initial issues that were presented upon first submission, to be told different things to fix everytime based on a quick snapshot is discouraging. I am sure I could pull a picture of any Lancer at any given troop and see a wrinkle that shouldn't be there, or something a bit off. So, without sounding like a whiney baby any more, I will just be content with normal Pathfinder status....not sure I can please those who came before me...I am happy with my build and will continue trooping. Thanks for everything. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  14. Thanks for the feedback....for the forth time. Every time I fix the issues in any given picture, 10 more pop up. I built this to Lancer spec and have submitted pictures 4 times, each time being told different things to fix. I believe I am done at this point.....thank you!
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