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501st Legion Member
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About JediChewie

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central California

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Central California Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I actually used the hole provided in the tank topper. After much self debate. I couldn't find a reference pic at a good enough angle to determine whether it is centered or not on the screen used. If I remember correctly, I measured the hole at was off centered by no more than 1/8 inch. And the mark was not centered either.
  2. Oh you mean the lens. I see now. Thank you. I was getting ready to glue the visor and face together and thought those pieces were involved somehow. Although I couldn't imagine how.
  3. Hello all. So I'm around 70% complete with my SC build for my wife. So far so good. Just started tackling the helmet. I've glued together the top and back of the helmet. Soon I'll attach the face/visor to it.  And then I find these parts packed with the helmet bolts...anyone know what they're for? ' alt=''>
  4. Can anyone send me a PDF copy of those instructions, please? I emailed them last week and they replied that they did not have complete instructions yet.
  5. This is the Bible for SC builds. Thank you, sir!
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