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Gato last won the day on September 8 2014

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55 Excellent

About Gato

  • Birthday 04/07/1979

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  • Location
    Lawrenceville, GA

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Georgia Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. I'd like to buy your Scout. Please hit me up. 

  2. You should be good to go now!! Good Luck.
  3. Right you are. No stripes on holster.
  4. I think you got most of it already. A couple things I noticed is: the black strap right above the thermal detonator. Is that the elastic from the cumberbund? That should go on the inside and shouldnt be showing. Other thing is the front/rear armor connection. It looks as if the is a space between them. It should be connected then wrapped with the cotton webbing. It looks like the armor is showing too much black right now and will be fixed once you do that.
  5. What were you using to cut the soles? Dremel? Exacto knife? Your lines look good now.
  6. I like the shiny look myself even though I have a light weathing. It is just your preference.
  7. The stuff from ebay IS a member on here or associate, but I will not call him out on the forum. Just know that there are problems with shipping at this time and it will be months before you get it. He is also suspended here so I would go with another trusted member if it were me.
  8. I also dont see your bicep armor.
  9. All of the above statements and also the snout could be replaced with a more accurate one (yours looks like a sticker, but couldnt tell from the pic), try twisting the straps before going into the thigh boxes and when coming out so they lay flat, 3m elevator bolts for the helmet (yours look too rounded), you might try suspenders or velcro like others stated to keep the bund up or even attaching the pouches to the underside of the armor to prevent them from pulling the bund down.
  10. Same here. The headband would never fit good in the KS either. Ended up using the military pads.
  11. Affirmative. That is a good plan.
  12. Stay away from the KS armor. Shoulders are not accurate, TD is wonky, and belt boxes are enormous. Ask me how I know. I had to end up spending more money to get the correct parts from SC to make it look good. SC is quick turnaround and looks great. As for the KS helmet. I likes it
  13. NewImage is an idea. I sold one because it was a little too big on my frame. I liked it, but ended up keeping my KS in the end.
  14. That's good. I know it would suck to have to repaint it again after you just got it back from the shop.
  15. Yeah, dont think our GML will let that seam pass in GA.
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