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501st Pathfinder
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mmmtoastyboy last won the day on December 12 2023

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About mmmtoastyboy

  • Birthday 02/21/1987

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  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • 501st Garrison
    Old Line Garrison
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  1. No problem, I'm remaking mine and also dont remember the name of the material. I just know what I'm going to find at the wall of white fabrics.
  2. Do you happen to know the name of the material you used? There's alot of options at the store to decide from.
  3. You need a balaclava. Your chin will show if you talk.
  4. Its part of the crl. Your neck and chin might show without it. That looks like a good option.
  5. My first one was a flight suit and was very thin. It didnt last long till I had holes. Switched to a red kap which is much thicker.
  6. I can tie and untie mine like regular shoes. I fold the sides forward to reach the laces. I even have risers to give me a couple inches.
  7. I use those sticky velcro circles. I do both sides of the "sideburn" towards the bottom.
  8. I kinda like that idea. I pull my bund up and my flap always gets stuck in back. I seem to be the only one who pulls it up lol.
  9. Mine cost less than $100. I use it a lot.
  10. Yikes, don't pay that much for the vest. Find an armor party and see if someone can bring a sewing machine and follow that shirt tutorial.
  11. I'm going with the TB ruined his bund and pulled this one off a dead endor scout before he left and it was way too big but theres no more empire so whos gonna say anything? Also the seamstress was on the death star sooooo yeah.
  12. I use a singer traditional. I bought it for my military uniforms years before the 501st. Used it for all my scout soft stuff and my snowie duster. I think you can accomplish the scout with a straight and zigzag stich. Its on sale at joann. https://www.joann.com/singer-2277-tradition-sewing-machine/10855880.html#start=1
  13. I used the primer grey and it matched my other helmet decals. Just take your time and paint the black. My wife free handed mine and its perfect, shes proud of it.
  14. I think I sewed mine... I remember having a hard time holding my belt up to the machine.
  15. Keep the balaclava. If you wear a shirt under your suit then get one of those hanes xtemp ones. I also have xtemp boxers which "help".
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