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501st Pathfinder
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Flykiller last won the day on November 17 2015

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15 Good

About Flykiller

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  • Gender
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    Paris France

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  • 501st Garrison
    French Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Thank you so much for this quick and complete answer. Hope is back 🙂 Have a nice day !
  2. Hi ! I have the yellowing issue with my 3 years old biker armor. I'm really afraid of damaging it... Has anyone ever tried painting the armor ? ABS plastic does not support paint ? Thank you, Jérôme
  3. Terry I'm honored that you take a look at my topic as I used your tutorial to build my own armor. The fact is I understood your idea but I haven't you talent to do it. I think I'm just going to give up the lancer projet and never tell people to buy the same armor if they want to be validated easily. Thank you very much for your help.
  4. No :-/ I'm pretty sure it won't fit... The border is really small on this armor even with a trick rivet.
  5. Thank you for your answer. So you all agree that I can't put my rivet on the red mark ... I can try your trick rivet idea but I'm still not sure that it will fit because of its size.
  6. Thank you for your help Griffin, again I've checked a long time many lancers photos. The problem is the border of the knee, on my photo, is very small. It's smaller than the hole I should do to get it riveted. It is smaller than the rivet itself... : 5 millimeters (0.196850 inch)
  7. Hi ! I have a question about a part of my MLC armor. I know the second elastic have to be riveted to the top sides of the knee armor. I've watched many photos of approved Lancer but I'm not sure as Mlc armor hasn't the same border. I won't be abble to rivet as it's a bit too small. I was thinking of getting the red dot riveted. Can you, please, tell me if that would be ok ? Thank you
  8. Thank you very much ! Now I understand. Sorry to waste your time. With this photo I understand
  9. Thank you very much for your comment. Could you please be a little more explicit ? English is not my native langage and I miss many words you used. I tried with google traduction but the result is you're speaking of a fish riding a horse...
  10. Thank you in advance for your help !
  11. Here are some new photos ; I tried to listen your advices and stick to the CRL photos.
  12. Thank you Spike ! Sure that help Thank you !
  13. So, you think no changes to the armor need to be done ? I should be validated ? What about the level of validation ? Can I think about a lancer grade ? Thanks for any answer.
  14. Thank you for your help and opinion. I will have everything neat and tidy.
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