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Darth Chridan

501st Pathfinder
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Darth Chridan last won the day on September 15 2019

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122 Excellent


About Darth Chridan

  • Birthday 08/07/1979

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • Interests
    Star Wars...what else, listening to Music, playing music....playing drums...Metallica...Iron Maiden...Linkin Park....Black Sabbath, Prop building and of course my family :)

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  1. Congratulations and welcome aboard, Trooper. Now have fun with the hunting of the Ewoks 😁
  2. Indeed...if you have the time...why not. And like I said the lid looks not so bad. If he had the return edges on the visor etc...it would looks definitely better and more accurate. Yea...the pandemie....lol...I have the time but no motivation πŸ™„ Furthermore have fun with your build πŸ€™ Cheers....
  3. Good morning... woooahhh...what a work...respect for so much putty and sanding time πŸ‘Œ But one question...why a 3D print?!? The lid looks nearly good...nearly therefore--- >> ...it lacks the return edges (it is unmistakable with this design)...especially on the visor and also the area with ears like Dennis has wrote looks strange. I know out of the 1st hand the assembling of a biker lid is really difficult and associated with a lot of time. But judging by your pictures there was more a lot of work...especially the glue and putty time etc 😡 Therefore the question why not a known helmet from RS, CfO, Rob etc... I'm curious what the gml says to this helmet...but as was written...for a basic it is ok. But anyway...the lid looks not bad.... πŸ€™ Cheers...
  4. Hey...nice nice nice.... πŸ€— Good work on your 1st TB helmet....and yes....fiddly work as well 😱
  5. Hey mate...so sry for this late answer. πŸ₯΄ I didn't saw your post. I'll make a few pics to show my technique. Cheers...
  6. The best way is also to compare the different helmets...and the armour--->> Cheers....
  7. Yaaayyyy....good old stuff of the original trilogy...but this is not the only "mistakes" they're had made....πŸ™ˆ
  8. Mui mui... here are some pics of me in the new suit from the last event--->> That's it 😁 Cheers...
  9. Nope...not my own casting. The belt is from CfO and the chest, back and knees are from a good buddy, he still had a few parts left.
  10. Thanks, dude...I'm looking forward to troop with this costume next week in our town at the SciFi- Days 😁
  11. Like Tim has wrote...there was the Hero Scout who has captured Leia, he had the extra bump on the line decal. Consider...there was different decal details on the scout tanks. As example there is the speeder bike- pursuit scene. This biker has 6 stripes...the hero biker has only 4 and thicker stripes. Look here--->> This one has not this extra bump--->> ...mirror- inverted--->> still the same guy--->> ...and now the "Hero Biker"...he had this extra bump--->> Hope this helps a bit. Good luck with your build. Cheers...
  12. Good lord... ...after a lot of month I've finally finished the upgrade of my biker scout. The previous parts was from D'Chef. The parts where I've changed is: *the Chest and Back plate/tank *the knees parts *the belt What should I say...I'm now satisfied with the result. This is the beginning of the journey--->> ...and here the side by side view of the new chest to the old one from D'Chef...btw I'll close the triangular cut again.--->> Here are a few WIP- pics from the build--->> ...since the parts had different colour shades i've painted the whole armour--->> ...and here the pics from the assembling--->> Note: The T-Bits have been replaced by more accurate parts in the meantime--->> ...that's it with the assembling. This time I didn't fix the pockets behind the chest armor with velcro, now sewed them to the cummerbund like the original....and I have to say, it holds great and because of the tension on the body nothing slips down--->> ...1st testfit without gloves and boots--->> ...some fiddling--->> I don't have to tell you anything about it (height, distance, width, positioning, etc.) until it has worked out reasonably well.... πŸ™„ --->> Now to the "greatest part" of this job... the Weathering 😁 --->> ......and once again forgotten to put on gloves πŸ™„ 🀨 --->> Well, I've the costume build up on a doll and made some pics with the doll--->> ...the accurate T-Bits--->> Holster--->> Thermaldetonator--->> ...complete rear view--->> Well then...soon he will have his "maiden voyage" at the next event...I'm really looking forward 😁 Cheers......
  13. Good morning, Tynan.. what's about your helmet build?....does it works?!? Cheers... Dan
  14. Great catch...thank god I'm on it right now to update my biker and just see this right now as well 😁
  15. Congrats, mate...a really nice looking Biker Scout Cheers...
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