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501st Pathfinder
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About AxelVBG

  • Birthday 02/08/1994

Profile Information

  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
  • Gender
  • Location
    Gothenburg, Sweden

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Nordic Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Thanks! Yeah, I'll do that as soon as possible
  2. It makes sense, but I just can't get it to work... I guess I have to use a better glue. Until then, I decided to do it like this: Which actually works really well, because then you can retract the T-straps, into the shoulder bells, for storage purposes.
  3. This is some great news!! I'm totally doing this too, because I was also just about to redo my T-straps anyways. The only thing I don't quite understand is how the other end of the zip tie was glued to that piece of cloth(that attaches under the shoulder bridge)... Obviously you want to attach it to a piece of velcro instead, but I just can't figure out a way to attach the zip tie to the velcro securely. I've tried a few ideas now, but nothing seems to work.
  4. I usually get dressed in this order: 1. Undershirt w/ balaclava 2. Flightsuit 3. Knee armor 4. Boots 5. Flak Vest 6. Cummerbund 7. Chest + Back armor 8. Belt + TD 9. Shoulder armor 10. Bicep armor 11. Forearm armor 12. Helmet 13. Gloves I can get dressed by myself... but of course it's a little easier if someone helps me with for example the Cummerbund and the Flak Vest, that has velcro closure at the back, which can be hard to close correctly on your own.
  5. Approved!! TB-94028 is now ready to serve the Empire!
  6. Thanks! Yeah I'll probably try Velcro for the arm pieces, to keep them in place, eventually.
  7. Thank you very much!
  8. Thanks Chef!! Yeah I know it's very clean right now... but I'm going to dirty it up later when I've been approved.
  9. Ok, so I'm finally done! I've already sent the photos to be approved, but I would like to hear what you guys think about this.
  10. Ok, I understand. Thanks! And here comes a maybe very dumb question: If the G3 compound itself gives the helmet a gloss finish, is the G10 polish then really necessary?
  11. Just one question: Does this compound you mentioned just remove the scratches or does it also give the helmet a gloss finish? The reason why I ask this is because I would like to get rid of most of the scratches but I'm not sure if I really want the helmet to have a high gloss finish.
  12. Thank you guys for these tips! I haven't though decided yet if I want to polish it up or not, I like this dull look, but I will look into these methods because I guess I could polish the helmet later if want to.
  13. I'm finally soon done with my Biker Scout! But I have one last thing to fix,.. and that's the helmet. Due to some bubble wrap marks in the paint I had to wet sand the helmet (to get rid of them), and because of that, the helmet's finish is now very scratched and dull. Though, I kind of like this scratched and dull finish, because I want it to have a worn and weathered look to it, but I maybe want to polish it up a bit so that it doesn't look too scratched and so that it matches the armor's finish a little better. Do you guys have any suggestions or tips on how I can polish it up? Thanks for help!
  14. Thanks for the tips guys! I think I'll go with velcro then. Because that's a more comfort zone for me!
  15. Hi everyone! I just finally got my MC armor kit , and I'm so pumped to start my build! But first I have a little question about the connection between the "T" straps and the chest and the back armor: They suggest, in the instruction CD, that the "T" straps should be connected to the back and chest armor with snaps... The problem that I have never worked with snaps before and therefore I don't have any snap setting tools. So I was thinking about using velcro instead. So my question is: Does velcro work just fine as an alternative or are snaps the preferred way? I just think it's a little waste of money to buy a new tool just for those four snaps, and if velcro works just fine as an alternative then that's probably what I'll use.
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