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Thunder Scout

501st Legion Member
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About Thunder Scout

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501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Cloud City Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ
  1. I submitted photos to my Garrison for approval. I know there are adjustments that I need to do, such as tuck my bund under the TD, as it seems to be riding up, and maybe raise the thigh boxes a tad higher in the back. Any other suggestions to help me get approval is appreciated. Helmet – KS (with MC snout) Blaster - KS Armor – MC Cummerbund – MC Gloves – Wampa Wear Boots – Marcel Flight suit & Vest – CB
  2. I ordered in June 2014, and received my armor in May 2015
  3. I received my MC armor after 11 months. I agree with the others that the wait is excruciating, but I am so glad I purchased my armor from them as their workmanship is top notch. Just as an example, the following photo shows a comparison of the boot holsters between MC and SC. The MC holster is on the left, and you can see the details are cleaner and crisper than the SC holster (not to detract from the excellent service I received from Jeff at SC).
  4. This is a helpful post as I too am a newbie at riveting. What is the recommended size rivet to use? I read on Pandatrooper's build that he used a 1/8" diameter - 1/4" long pop rivet for the knee armor. Do the rivet sizes vary depending on location? (belt, holster, etc.)
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