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bikerscout73 last won the day on February 19 2016

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80 Excellent

About bikerscout73

  • Birthday 10/23/1973

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    jax beach fl.
  • Interests
    Retired Navy....vintage skateboard collector, big time hockey and football fan. Still skating 30 years later

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  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison
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  1. How thick should the neoprene be
  2. That’s sounds good , I’m just saying there are people out there that don’t know a lot about Star Wars and say for instance 2 scouts at a troop , one from the mandalorian and one from ROTJ . Some people might look at the two and be like does that trooper not know how to dress or wear the costume right. Why do they look different? But I guess it is what it is😞
  3. Are we really making a CRL of this garbage scout. It seems really ridiculous to have one.our detachment has come a long way since I joined 5 years ago.... the scout was considered the easy and throw together sloppy costume back them. Now it has become a great detachment and the standards have been raised..... I think this so called new scout is a big step backwards. 😞
  4. I did the same thing....... my belt stays put
  5. Hey bro..... quick question are the thigh boxes connected to the belt in the back or the thermal detonator. Because looking at the pictures of the belt in the CRL it’s not connected to the belt.

    1. BikerScout007


      They connect to the nylon straps that close the belt in the back.   I sewed mine to the nylon.   See my build here:

      It's not the clearest photo of how they are joined but they are sewn.   The TD should be completely separate.  It's not a CRL requirement but it should make it a lot easier to manage your costume.

  6. I have cucblacks old fiberglass bucket. I’m going to compare it tonight to the one there selling
  7. Do you still make pouches I need new pouches
  8. Not a fan of the shadow, swamp, or snow scout.
  9. Wow that’s pretty bad for all that money and time.
  10. Did anyone have to heat bend your belt to make it round.
  11. I just received MC armor and I really like it. I used to have SC which was really small. The ABS for MC is really nice and thick. I don’t see how it could be brittle. And I always spray a uv protective sealant on my are to help prevent yellowing. I really like my MC
  12. I just got MC armor..... are the thigh boxes the right size? They seem really small.
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