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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Chibigear

  1. Looks great there! And the part that you was asking fr what is it, is chin cup for the helmet.
  2. You can also just use spit on the inside of the visor. Something that the divers uses as well. Just spit inside the visor, spread it over it, and let it dry. Works, and cheaper that anything else. Also works on TKs. Edit; also, try to breath though your nose. If you breath from mouth, the moisture from your mouth hits the bucket.
  3. GREAT NEWS! Just waiting for the DC-15x Sniper Rifle approval so I can finally troop with it on every troop! If you need any pics, just ask. Here i a pic of me with the DC-15x Sniper Rifle; https://scontent.fqlf1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12009723_10153656013907510_372385892600700486_n.jpg?oh=2a78340d68b3fba2f7634cbadb46cd62&oe=5A29CB38
  4. Hey you all! I am just about to get my Scout Trooper costume ready for approval pictures, but I need info on the back of the helmet. I have tried to use the search function, but found no real info on the black bars on the rear of the helmet. In the Lancer status requirements, it is stated as 'Film-accurate rear helmet "bar code". On the same thread, the first picture shows both front and rear photos of a Scout Trooper, and on that photo, the bar code on the rear is uneven. There are few bars that are shorter than the rest. Now, it that the accurate barcoding, as there are pics of helmets with even bar codes on the rear. This will be tha last detail on my costume, and need the info for Saturday's photo shoot. Cheers, Ville, BH-11380 from Nordic Garrison.
  5. How about the blaster holster on left boot? On the book picture there is holes on right boot, for the holster there, and on the other, there is a left side holster with the blaster in. It seems that tehy actually made a left side holster for teh blaster, instead of just putting the holster as it is, on the other leg. And, the picture is not reversed, the blaster and chest armour shows that. I do not know if this has been talked over, just began to make my own Scout Trooper costume.
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