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BikerScout007 last won the day on September 12

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About BikerScout007

  • Birthday August 19


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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer and Vanguard
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    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Indiana Jones, Star Wars, 007, Fallout, screenwriting, fitness, motorcycles, whiskey

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  1. Hey I will be totally honest, I've not printed any of Sean Fields stuff. I got the Mr Paul files, so that's my only experience. I will ping our other ST armorers and see if they have any advice for you @KOtrooper @Minimo @MikeRadness
  2. That helmet looks amazing! Thanks for the update
  3. On behalf of Pathfinders' Command, it is my pleasure to promote Zach "BigDeal" Wagner (TB-7024) to the rank of Ranger! He really is a Big Deal now! @BigDeal has completed 100 troops as a Pathfinder, showing true dedication to this Detachment! Congrats, Zach! Your picture has been added to the Pathfinders Hall of Fame and a Certificate of Achievement has been sent to your email address on file. I've also let @plagu3is know you are eligible to purchase the Ranger patch. Wear it with pride, Pathfinder!
  4. Second the hot glue. There's no need to get too complicated here.
  5. I've used the Darkside Closet for ST soft parts and have had good experiences. That... I can't help you with as I don't have any. I usually use helmet pads that I buy off Amazon for my helmet setups. Hard hat liners tend to give me headaches
  6. Okay this change has been made. You all got an extra five days because I was having problems logging into the Wiki! The following language has been added to the ROTJ, JFO and Mando Scouts: Walt is already offering his new helmet and armor, and the helmet is MUCH improved. Thanks to all the GMLs for bringing this topic to our attention and thanks to Walt for offering more accurate Scout gear!
  7. Yes forgot to mention -- wash in cold. Gentle cycle, just like @Dart says Some people hesitate to do this because of the suede patches -- don't worry about that. The washing weathers them and makes them look broken in.
  8. Throw in the washer, hang to dry. Put the cummerbund and vest in one of those washing machine bags so they dont get all twisted up.
  9. I mean...that's the excuse that was made in the lore. But we've known for some time that the costumers on the series actually thought that's how they were supposed to go. This bit we've seen in the trailer looks like reused CGI assets from Mando S2. They weren't going to reinvent the wheel.
  10. Looks like the same as the Mando. LMO policy is to wait until after a show has aired before moving forward with anything CRL-wise. So nothing to do now but wait!
  11. Not sure how quick you need to get one, but KriptonTop is having a sale on Scout soft goods right now https://www.etsy.com/listing/251067728/scout-trooper-flak-vest-sw-costume-prop?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=kriptontop&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&pro=1&ret=1&content_source=c881248b2772753089e76a7268dd3efb95ea27b1%3A251067728&organic_search_click=1 We have a list of approved vendors here: Many of those vendors list their goods here: https://forum.501stpathfinders.com/forum/156-vendor-sales/ And finally, you can always try picking up a used one from a member. Check here https://forum.501stpathfinders.com/forum/155-trade-forum/
  12. Awesome! Looking forward to seeing one of the v2 kits getting built!
  13. The boots are always the worst part! We look forward to your 41st Elite app!
  14. Thanks for all the input, folks! Sheev's is indeed on the naughty list I think this thread has run its course.
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