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spookymufu last won the day on October 25 2015

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About spookymufu

  • Birthday 05/05/1970

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  1. you can get them pre painted too and mine took about a month to get
  2. I put two oven safe bowls on a cookie sheet and bridged the TB lens between them and turned the oven on 300 degrees and waited until the lens drooped, then I took it out, put it in the helmet and pushed it into shape until it cooled
  3. that white snout piece must be something new MLC is providing, mine didnt come with that, mine came with the short gray one with no riser plate
  4. you really dont want to use those bolt covers or that snout piece tho, get a DVH snout and get 3M speedglass bolts from the trade area here, thats the best way to go. I have a WIP thread here for my MLC if your interested http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=11862&hl=&fromsearch=1
  5. look at the gray (half) snout piece, there are two discs taped to the mic tip part, those are your bolt covers
  6. yes, the MLC is fiberglass I think most people use an automotive paint for it, but I suppose any good quality white gloss paint would work
  7. well shoot, I hunted for 15 min searching for that.....thanks man! I ordered mine prepainted so I didnt have to mess with it
  8. well......I had a wip thread for my MLC but it seems to have vanished from the boards.....
  9. this might help some, you can enlarge the pics to see what the details look like http://www.doopydoos.com/sandtrooper--stormtrooper-electrobinocular-replica-2505-p.asp
  10. I have a thread of my MLC build, it might help you, it should be in the helmet section, do a search for it, I dont have the link handy tho, sorry
  11. yes, it does not come with the lens, i got my lens from trooperbay, the helmet DOES come with all other helmet parts, but you'll want to use different decals, bolt covers, and snout detail piece
  12. I own an MLC V3 and the only things I needed to buy was a more accurate snout, I got from DVH, I got decals and a visor lens from trooperbay and authentic 3M bolts, you can only use the round parts tho and put them over the bolts the helmet comes with because the 3M bolts are far too short.
  13. I sent you a PM about NI since we're not supposed to give names or web sites out on the public forum. As far as I know only one person here got a NI helmet and as I recall, it was a positive review, the helmet looks good.
  14. both are Fiberglass helmets, the NI looks better in the pics and in the one review that was done by a BSN member, my MLC helmet is pretty big, not sure you'd need it to flex, I can wear mine with my glasses and still have room...
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