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501st Legion (RET)
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Bubonos last won the day on April 26 2017

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330 Excellent

About Bubonos

  • Birthday 07/03/1981


  • Member Title
    Biker Scout

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  • Trooping Award Badge
    50+ TB
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  • Interests
    Scouts, collecting, trooping, family, gaming, and other junk

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Bast Alpha Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. Looking good Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  2. Lol I never wear mine as it is. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  3. I thought the drop boxes look more like our pouches. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  4. I wondered the same thing. But I think our normal flight suits should be fine personally. The cartoon is drawn very slim and sleek. So I think due to the art, a flight suit may look like a body suit. But again, that's my opinion. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  5. Looking good so far. The boots are my favorite part of the build. Feel free to ask any questions you may have along the way. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  6. This sucks as we use the garrison in ours. Bast Alpha Recon Team. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  7. I have a 3d printed blaster. With some work it can look really good. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  8. That's the problem I run into all the time. I have a clunky amp and I'd love a better mic and amp eventually. My mic tends to twist around also and doesnt pick up my voice. When I do scout pool at cons it stays in place under the deadpool mask. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  9. Not sure where the original thread is but we picked it apart. The pouches seem to be where the armor boxes are on a normal scout. Looks like the bund is ribbed all the way around. WTF is working on the armor design now. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  10. Tempting to try but aftwr a few years and 70+ troops, my belt doeant always hold up. I need a Velcro overhaul in fact. We had to cut the fanfilm a few times because my belt fell off while running. I cut a hole in my back armor and hide mine in my backhump. Adds more acoustics but not always easy for people in front of me to hear because I'm talking out my back so to speak. Before the belt on my amp broke, I'd strap it to my upper torso and hide it behind my chest armor. My original amp fit in my pouches and didn't weight it down as bad as my new one does. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  11. If its sc it should fit. But it could be from a diffrent mold maybe. The boots are actually quite easy and fun to make. Get the marine vinyl from Johannes or another fabric store. A yard is more than enough. The template should be available here, it'll be in the boot section. You can even go with Wal-Mart hiking boots and cut the soles. I was lucky and the brama hiking boots at the time had soles that match basic approval and they were $25. It was a $50 build in itself but tons of fun. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  12. I really want this to be a thing one day. I really wanna do this costume. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  13. W/o seeing the full costume its hard to say anything that hasn't been said. Post up some approval style pics and we can help you out much easier. We love to offer any advice to help your approval go smoothly. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  14. Don't get me started on weathering. I can go on for days on my love of natural weathering. But to answer your question it is. Go easy if you paint it on. I went natural. Trooping hard helps. I've hugged several trees and even climbed a few in costume and this has scratched up my armor and over time dirt and even sweat has filled those scratches making it look like its been through the forest. Lots of scouts add carbon scoring on their armor making more battle damage look. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  15. We only paint when its mismatched kit. Sc armor and kc bucket for example. Jeff at sc uses the same white plastic on his entire kit. If the plastic color doffers, then you need to paint. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
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