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dtrippler last won the day on March 23 2016

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About dtrippler

  • Birthday 11/20/1980

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  1. So I've got a bigger head (24") and wondering which vendor would be best. I'd love RS but will that be too tight for me?
  2. I hate Photobucket...
  3. I use the 2 side pouches for my sound. One has the speaker and next to it my iPod that I play a TK loop. Black cord between but it's not noticeable.
  4. My green lens doesn't have adhesive to add so I cut a clear acrylic piece to shape, cut film and glued that to part of the acrylic. Acrylic was then glued to inside of helmet.
  5. Kashyyyk section... Anyways, I'd say probably no because that zipper goes kinda low and would be seen below the lower leg armor.
  6. The camo pattern needs to be correct. If you’re referring to the shade there will be variation with that. As long as it’s close it’ll be approvable.
  7. Almost certain these are the same boots I used. I have a build wip that hopefully can help you out too.
  8. I have all the decals available too (decals and stencils). Already cut and ready to mail.
  9. Be sure to make note of my last post in that thread regarding bondo and cracking. Reinforce!
  10. Huge tip: Reinforce the inside of your armor where there is bondo on the outside. If it can bend where you are going to bondo it'll crack! Add extra strips inside, whatever, just make sure it doesn't bend. I'm finding this out the hard way As you can see here my backpack bondo is cracking, pretty much the whole way around. I'm adding extra support inside and will have to fix the bondo. Thinking fiberglass might be a better option to help hold. Can you bondo or use fiberglass over a painted surface? Or will I have to sand entire area down? Either way guess I've got more painting ahead of me.
  11. Not approved so basically did a beta test of the armor at a Memorial Day parade - no better armor test than a parade with heat of 82 degrees. Still waiting for group to upload pictures of parade but do have this one (that's Ahman Green, a former Green Bay Packer that was lined up right by us...so the Imperial Army arrested him) So what I found out about armor during parade: Need to figure something out with my suspenders on cummberbund as other troopers said you can see from back. Toe armor wants to start flapping off on my right foot. Maybe more velcro? Have to play with. SO there we are. Armor complete in under 2 months (well pending approval). I'll let you guys know if my GML has any changes or if the swamp has grown by one. On a side note about my GML, he did say he'd probably put it up for Legion approval as he's not very familiar with this costume; anybody know who'll review it? I assume it's got to be one of us around here?
  12. SUBMISSION PHOTO TIME! Front: Left Side: Right Side: Back (would of been nice to know cummberbund needed to be scooted over some to left): Showing the balaclava: After pics where taken I noticed some things I needed to do. Add suspenders to cummerbund to help hold up as with weight of pouches it wants to start falling down. Add velcro to chest and back where they meet under the arms. That should keep from front pulling up and keep tight together. Ready to hunt some wookies!
  13. Rubber belt first sewed onto canvas strap: Canvas then sewed onto bottom of cummberbund. Then attached piece of velcro to inside where cod piece will attach to. Cut a slit in belt for hanging pouches to go through. Part of belt cut out for the buckle. Other ends of pouch straps wrapped through then glued buckle in. Finished cummberbund with belt and all pouches added.
  14. Riding patched sewed on. Also added elastic straps to bottom of pants to help keep tucked into boots.
  15. Strapping from chest/back onto shoulder bells then to biceps.
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